Chapter 3

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This week has been pretty miserable. First Dad left the house and he hasn't come back. Mum and I have been moping around the house. Not doing anything. Mum sometimes doesn't even leave her room.
At school, I failed a pretty major test and because word travels fast. The teachers knew that dad walked out on us and one even suggested therapy. The nerve!

Anyway, me and my BFF, Louisa Johnson (does anyone see what I did here? Clue: x-factor) are walking to my house and she is coming over for a sleepover. Her parents own the company Dad works for. I open my door and we both step inside.

"Hi Liza" Louisa says. (see what I did there! If you don't then here's a clue: lil' brown girl with big dreams) 

"hi Lou!" Louisa has always been a part of our family and we've known each other since we were born. Louisa smiles and we run up to my room. I pull out my laptop and sit on a couch dad got me a few years ago. I put on random videos I have youtube and we laugh along all evening, providing a distraction from reality.

Today was the final day of school before the summer holidays and I exited the building to see Mum? waving at me. I really hadn't been expecting it and so I went up to her and we started to talk about anything and everything.

"I am so sorry, I have been going through a lot late-" she stopped midway of her sentence and looked at something. I followed her gaze and saw Dad with a woman who looked 20 years younger than him.

Mum had let go of my hand and marched up to him, I hastily followed behind. she went up to him and-

SLAP! him in the face. she didn't need to say anything but shoved her finger in his face, the one with her ring on it. the woman beside him gasped and mum yanked it off her finger and threw it onto the ground.

"We're going to Mattie's," she said before driving off. Once we got there Auntie Mattie directed me up to Jess, my cousin's room.

When we arrived back home I felt a pull. making sure Mum wasn't looking, I let it lead me until I reached the basement.

I saw a box and opened it to see a letter. Opening the letter and it said that only a true Wonsworth could open it. I pulled the box open.

And all went black...

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