Chapter 31

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I entered the ball in a dark red dress that complemented my hair -Jess picked 85- and Jess came after me in a dark green dress. She caught up to my and we intertwined our hands together. After a while my name was called and two large doors opened. I began to walk forwards. head high, shoulders low, large steps, smile. I remember the lessons Jess and I had to take when we were younger and I can't lie that it has helped me to become much more confident.
I pick up the hem of my dress slightly and walk down the stairs into the atrium of my grandparents's manor. Eventually Jess's name is called and she practically floats into the room. Once she gets to me we go around and begin to greet people.

"Uugh this is so boring!" I whisper into Jess's ear.

" don't worry, it becomes more interesting.I made sure of it! " Jess gives me a mischievous look. It is probably going to be something 'Jess' I roll my eyes and eat a fairy cake. Someone comes up to us, it is a tall man oh my Gordon Bennett is that who I think it is??

"Cassiopeia Wonsworth, I presume?"

" yes sir"

"Well, you have been offered a space at one of the most prestigious universities in England. Alburn."
I glare at Jess and she smirks at me.

"Oh yes please sir! But I am on my first year of college, university is a while away but I am happy to accept the offer."

"Also a Miss Jessica Wonsworth has also been offered a space" Jess's mouth is practically open.

"I-i-i i accept the offer!" Jess stammered . The man but good day to us and went off on his way.
"CASSIE!!!!!!! EEeeeeeeek !!!! We just got offered a place At HOLBURN!!!!!" Jess shrieked. Now in a better mood, we had a fun night.

"OMG guess what happened to us!?" Jess squealed once we entered our room. Samuel and Richard looked up alarmed at us. Without giving them time to answer she continued "we made it into HOLBURN!!!!!!!!"

"Well so did we" Richard added in in middle of Jess's squealing.

"EEEEEEEKK we can stay together!!!!" Jess shooed the boys out and threw a pair of pjs at me
, "Wattpad?" she smirked.

I smiled. Maybe it would all be fine. We're going to have eachother till the end of our lives. That was all that mattered...

Omgomgomg this is the end of the magic box!!! One thing i am bad at is ending stories, like I know how to but I can't. Does anyone get it? Maybe there will be a second one who knows!?

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