Chapter 29

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Cassie's p. O. V:

I find myself in a cave, but I immediately recognise it. I take a step forwards.

Maybe if I explore a bit I will find what had been making those noises.

I walk forward and see a door. It resembles the one that Jess pulled to let us out. I wind it around and walk into the room.

Biggest mistake of my life.

Instead of it being the room that I saw once jess opened the door. It was a completely different room. There were two spirits, if I can even call them that, intertwining midair, I felt like I was intruding so I made to leave the room. But I couldn't. I some how became engrossed with the spirits and sighed when they changed. After a while I heard a few words.






I freeze in my spot whilst these words hit home. Just like primary, I thought to myself. I tear strolls down my face as the spirits become red and begin moving with the words as if they were saying them. I hit a wall and try to pull the door open. It's locked. I sink to the floor and begin to cry.

"Aaaaaaahhh!!!!!" I yell, tears stroll down my face as I grip my hair in my hands. I sob and moan whilst in my bed, upright. After a while I feel two arms encase me.

"shhh" I hear Samuel whisper, I calm down only the slightest and still continue to cry. Eventually I fall asleep again.

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