Chapter 2

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Give me some morphine

Is there any more to do?

By the time Harry was thirteen, Gemma had her license and he had at least twenty hours of driving instruction by way of his grandpa. Most of that was kept from his mother, of course, since she had gone mental over the first time that it had happened.

He still was down at the go-kart track every weekend - he practically lived there. It was his home away from home. That also led him to his downfall.

"I've heard that your name is Harry." One of the older kids came up to him one day at lunch, while Harry was eating with his friends.

He swallowed his bite of peanut butter and jelly sandwich nervously. "That's me. I don't want any trouble or nothing."

"You are that bloke that's always down at the track, right?" The kid was alone, but Harry knew that he had friends sitting a couple of tables away.

"My grandad owns it." Harry kept his chin high - there was no way of knowing where this was going.

"You a good driver?" The kid had his hip out to the side.

Harry turned around in his seat, a grin on his face. "I'm told I'm the best."


"Saturday night. Bring a car and some money."

That's what the kid had told Harry. Despite the fact that Harry was thirteen and didn't have a car. Or very much money.

But he did know what was going to happen Saturday night - he wasn't stupid. It was street racing. And that wasn't exactly legal. But that didn't matter to Harry. It was another excuse to drive.

This was to be his own decision to make, and he made it fairly quickly. There was no one he could not do this. So he found all of the money he had stored in his room in his thirteen years of life, which added up to one hundred dollars.

And then he stole his mom's car.

It wasn't anything special. A normal four door car. He was glad for his training on the road when he pulled it out of the driveway and continued slowly down the street. He headed straight for the dock and was grateful that he knew the way there by heart. It was a fairly small town.

And he was just little old Harry Styles, thirteen years old, driving around Holmes Chapel in his mum's car, on his way to do some illegal street racing.

When he got to the dock, there was a group of people gathered around another car. He recognized several kids from his school - some who were in the highest level, and some who had graduated the year before. "Harry!" The kid from earlier in the week bounded up to him, all smiles. "Good job on boosting the car."

"It's my mom's," He said with a nervous smile. "How long will this take?"

"We'll be done in an hour tops. Did you bring entrance money?" Harry nodded, not dumb enough to show him all of the money.

"How much?" The guy insisted.

"How much do I get if I win?" Harry stuck his chin in the air. The kid laughed at him. Harry scanned the group of kids, seeing no one that he was close to.

"Two hundred. And if you lose, we'll take whatever you came here with." Harry nodded at this, spitting and making the confirming the deal. There was no way such a deal could turn bad. These kids weren't even eighteen yet.

Meet Me In The Hallway // H.S. ✓Where stories live. Discover now