Chapter 4

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~Hoping you'll come around,

Just let me know I'll be on the floor, on the floor,

Maybe we'll work it out~

Harry tried to be stoic as he Gemma and Anne hugged him goodbye. All he had was the clothes on his body - that's all that he was allowed to take with him. He didn't dare risk anything farther.

Anne cried now - her baby was getting put into juvie. Gemma's face was emotionless, but her hands were sweaty as she wrapped them around the wiry frame of her little brother. Little emotional Harry was not to last long inside, she thought.

But then again, both of them had thought they knew Harry. But they really didn't.

Harry kissed his mum on the cheek, gave Gemma another hug, and let himself be pulled inside by the officer. And as soon as he was inside the doors, out of sight of his family, he started to cry again.

Once inside, no one was nice to him as they gave the ugly green jumpsuit and only allowed him to take his inhaler and the shoes he had on. The rudeness only vamped up his emotional state.

Finally, some sort of counselor or therapist was able to calm him down before he stumbled into a panic attack. She was nice and explained to him how things would work there. It was very similar to regular prison, except since he was younger, he would have to take educational courses.

Harry never saw her again after those twenty minutes.

He was put into the fifteen to seventeen year old wing and put into a cell all by himself. There was candy on the desk - Harry left it there. He also saw a card explaining that the more classes that you attended, the more points you would rack up towards getting candy or a phone call home.

There was nothing left to do until lunch, so Harry stared at the ceiling. He already knew that his time here was to be not enjoyable in the slightest. But he didn't want to go through it again, so he vowed to never drive a car again.

This was a dumb vow - because obviously Harry would have to drive sometime in the future. But he saw that his eagerness to learn to drive had led to the street racing. And once he was behind the wheel again, he wouldn't be able to contain himself. So, in his mind, his decision was justified.

Harry, in school, was a good kid. He had good friends, so it wasn't like he was going to know a single person who was in this place. In other words, he was going to be a loner throughout the experience.

But that all changed when he saw someone else sitting alone at lunch that day.


Harry kept to himself, getting his food, and then walked over there, plopping down in front of the other boy. Neither of them wasted time being angry - Harry being angry for Nick's friend getting him into street racing, Nick being angry for Harry being better than him, or something like that.

Nick's eyes showed that he was done. Harry wasn't the best at reading emotions, but Nick just seemed very tired. Of everything. "I'm Harry," He said. "Harry Styles."

Then Harry started to eat. Fast, since he didn't know how long he would get to eat. It took a while, but finally Nick responded.

"Nick Clough. Nice to meet you officially, Harry."

Harry smiled, not feeling so alone anymore. 

Meet Me In The Hallway // H.S. ✓Where stories live. Discover now