Episode 2 (Rise of the Machine)

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Nixxom: All right, we're finally going to get the blood-bath we been waiting.

Dolan: More like an oil bath...

Hellbent: Let's get dangerous!

Nixxom: Say, who are these brothers they speak of?

Melissa: HEY!

As the sun of the morning raises, the crews of people walks among their day, not sure where to find the mini-mechs, like alone know if they were dangerous. A helicopter being used one of the other factions that were there was hovering overhead, looking for the creatures they just unleashed onto the public. They had megaphones in case they spotted them, but they mini-mechs weren't able to be found. They had to search all over where they were last seen, but nothing were to be found.

"Any sighting" Savio asks.

"Nah, did you see found bikers run like a brunch of wussies." Miguel said.

"I know... more like..." Jose said.

They hear a thumbing noises.

"What the hell?" Miguel asks.

One of the men grabs the megaphone.

"Stop in the name of the..." Castillo demanded.

They were waiting for the mini-mechs, but only to see just Manson and crew. Manson had his own.

"Greeting gents, hunting for mechas I saw." Manson said.

"Since when is this mecha hunting season?" Savio demanded.

Hellbent: If that's a thing, I'm going for it.

Nixxom: You'll need a hunting crew.

Pringle: Please...

"Look, we have notify about the fleet. We had come to hunt them down, one more time." Manson said.

"What for... I mean, who do you think is in control of those mechas?" Castillo asks.

"Hey, I have to have hobbies outside of my main job. In my case, hunting down the souls of those I had taken out." Manson said.

Hellbent: Same here, gotta to have a past time.

Melissa: A part from being a jerk...

Many laughed.

Nixxom: Look, you try to clear your realm of your mortal enemies.

Hellbent: Manson better hope those mechas are more a threat to themselves than they are to him.

"Hey man, you gotta have a hobby." Miguel said.

The men were breathed.

"Well, we're trying to hunt those mechas down before they can cause any trouble. There's no telling what they can do." Savio said.

While the men have their meetings, the mechas were far at the junkyard. They had spent the night stargazing as they had reflected on their former lives. They still had quirks they had in those lives, and what's bringing them back to their former homes. However, they were about to have their first training session, thanks to couple of punks had spotted them. One of them decided to get the attention of one of them with an old mecha they had found and restored. Spur noticed and let curiosity become the better. Spur followed the ball, being used as bait. The small punks, who somehow survived Simpson's attack, had been looking for payback and decided to bait Spur, who's the same sex as the Simpson they were talking about, into a fight. Not knowing, picking on a Brit with a background in karate would be a bad idea.

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