Episode 6 (Meet the Ghosts)

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As the battle was getting ready, others at the pier were still going about their business. None of had noticed the waters until one of the viewing audience had noticed some communion. She soon noticed the area where the men were having their arm wrestling match was wet despite clear skies. At first, she thought it was just the match being too much until she noticed foot track from Fusion Gundam.

Jacksepticeye: Madonna is just looking like what just happened.

"They're here all right." Madonna said.

"What do you mean?" (She looks around.) "Say, was there a tsunami or something?" J. Lo asks.

"Well, whatever it was... those who fighters don't seem to realize that they're BACK!" Madonna said.

"Who... Leo!" Nicholson said.

Undertaker easy beats him.

"Say... those ladies must've come back. I'm not even worried about what they got for me since they knew I had no part in it." Undertaker said.

Knoxville is seen at the area.

"All crap, here's this jackass enough." J. Lo said.

PewDiePie: Burn

"How much is this going to be?" Nicholson asks.


"Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville with breaking news of the recent news about the recent mega-tsunami at reported here at Lake-Side Park. We got us a couple of people who have seen the waves, which seems to be related to the junkyard incident." Knoxville said.

Knoxville heads to the pier, which catches Nicholson off guard.

"What's all this?" Nicholson asks.

"Excuse sir, can you tell us what happened here." Knoxville said.

"Look, I don't know what the hell is going on here, but if you don't..." Nicholson said.

"I can answer that. A group of mechas was spotted around the area, likely the cause of the tsunami. Thanks to the alert system, many got out the way." Madonna said.

"How were you able to tell it was the mechas?" Knoxville asks.

"They left a footprint behind, and a group of guys was talking to them afterward." J. Lo said.

"Do you have any ideas about what these giant robots want with us? Is there's an intergalactic showdown we don't know about?" Knoxville asks.

The Undertaker takes the mic.

"Nah, it's more like a ghostly invasion. However, they likely aren't interested in us mortals. This had been foreseen since the Death-Bowl 98 incident. It's clear what they want." (He looks at the cameras.) "Manson, if you're watching this, please be aware they're back to finish up what 5 men attempted only to leave off." Undertaker said.

"It looks like a paranormal invasion in process." Knoxville said.


"I'm ready aware that. I had been waiting for them for a long time." Manson said.

Manson walks away from the TV to look at the final products.

"This is going to be awesome." Twiggy said.

"Well, just keep in mind. We're dealing with the denizens of a version of Cyberton." Manson said.

"Would it makes sense to kidnap one of the fallen ones to get something information about them?" Fish asks.

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