Chapter 114 - Here and Now

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"Do you think Susan really took Melody to the emergency room?" Alan asked Greg as they stood in the garage looking at the empty place where Susan usually parked her car.

"I think she did. Her car is gone and that's where Susan said she was going," Greg answered. "Given how concerned she was about Melody's condition down in the cave and how much difficulty Melody was having with her breathing, I have absolutely no doubt that's where Susan took her."

Alan hesitated, studying his father's face. "What are you going to do, Dad?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Greg asked.

"I think a lot of your company is leaving tonight ... I know we are. Cindy and I plan to start driving home right after supper," Alan said.

"After it is dark?" Greg asked.

"While the kids are asleep. We'll have to stop a lot less often if they are sleeping than we would if we drive when they're awake," Alan explained.

"Probably true," Greg said.

"Aren't Malcom and Liam and their families leaving too?" Alan asked.

"In the morning. I know Susan intended to cook supper for everyone tonight," Greg said. He frowned slightly. "I should go to the hospital to be with Susan and Melody, but you are right. We still have a house full of company. I am their host. I should probably talk to everyone before I do anything."

Alan accompanied Greg back to the house. They encountered Jessie part way, waiting for them at the place where the path from the garage and the one from the cottage met.

"Is Mama gone?" Jessie asked.

"She is," Greg told her.

"Then I need to help," Jessie said firmly.

"How?" Greg asked in surprise.

"Mama has dinner already planned. I can turn the oven on for her and start the roast. Maybe Cindy can help me? Or maybe I should call Matt ... Ashley might be willing to help, if we invite them to join us. Also, he's going to want to know about Melody," Jessie said.

Greg arched his brow. "A very good plan, for all those things. But you know, I'm available to help too."

"No you aren't, Papa," Jessie said shaking her head. "You need to be with Mama. You need to be together ... incase Melody has to say 'goodbye'. She would want you there."

Greg didn't answer immediately. Instead, he exchanged a look with Alan as the three made their way into the house.

"I'm going to call Matthew," Greg told Alan.

"I'll let everyone know what's going on," Alan said. "Then I'm going to change so we can pack. Call me if you need me. I'll be down in our guestroom."

Greg nodded mutely before picking up the phone.


"What's going on?" Malcom asked Alan when he passed through the family room on his way downstairs.

"Susan took Melody to the emergency room. Dad's calling Matt to let him know. Jessie's trying to start dinner," Alan said.

"By herself?" Ali said in surprise.

"She seems to know what Susan has planned, but I'm sure she can use the help," Alan said.

Ali frowned. "Excuse me. I'll be back to help as soon as I'm cleaned up."

Sophie echoed Ali's comment when she heard the news.

"Maybe I should help too?" Megan wondered.

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