Chapter 121 - Family News

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Melody's mid-April appointment with Dr. Lin was only ten days before the first day of Passover. Dr. Lin carefully read Dr. Bower's notes concerning Melody's asthma attack and listened intently to Susan's narrative of the event. She also examined Melody while Susan talked.

"I'm pretty sure it was allergic asthma due to the pollen she was surrounded with," Susan said. "I mean, I'm not surprised she had some kind of reaction. The pollen cloud that came down around us was huge ... and I'm a bit allergic to it too."

"A lot of people are, and from what you are describing, her exposure level was very high. I agree it was probably triggered by an outside source and not due to a developing complication in her pulmonary system or a developing infection of some kind. Her lymph nodes are swollen slightly, so it would be better to be certain about what caused it," Dr. Lin commented. "To be on the safe side, I'm going to order a battery of tests from an allergist here in the building. I've already spoken to his office and he should be able to give you an appointment sometime this week or early next week. They can explain to you what's involved if you go by his office before going home. In the meantime, please give my office a call if Melody does come down with something."

"We'll do that," Greg assured her.

"If the allergy tests confirm our suspicions and she doesn't become ill," the doctor continued, "since we know you have pine trees near your house it might be wise to delay her surgery by a week or two, just to ensure the worst of the pollen season for those trees has passed before we do the procedure. He can also give you tips for how to reduce their effect on Melody."

"And if the tests come back negative?" Greg asked.

"Then we need to dig further to see if we can determine what caused her asthma. We'll do some pulmonary testing to determine if whatever caused the issue is likely to cause us a problem during her procedure. I'll also repeat more of her cardiac tests, just to make sure we know where we stand on all fronts," Dr. Lin said. "We'll do that regardless at the end of the month, but my feeling is at least some of the allergist's tests will come back positive. That should explain everything."

And with that, Greg, Susan, and Melody were sent on their way. They stopped by the allergist's office to make Melody's appointment. They were given some information on allergy skin tests and went home.


Susan sighed when they walked into the house through the library bookcase door. Melody ran towards her room, eager to greet Forest out on the deck so they could play, but Susan lingered in the library, the papers from the doctor in her hand.

"What are you thinking?" Greg asked as she sat down at the little desk.

"I'm thinking it was nice to have Zack home last weekend," Susan said honestly.

Greg looked at her in surprise. He expected her to comment on their appointment or on Melody's upcoming tests. But instead Susan was thinking about Zack ... even though they hardly saw the young man over the weekend while he was home. Aside from Jessie's party, he spent most of the time at the Goodmans visiting Kelly.

"Do you miss him?" Greg guessed.

"Yes. He had to have tests of this kind when he was about Melody's age," Susan explained. "He out grew most of his allergies eventually. Now there is over-the-counter medication he can take to control them, but I remember he also had an attack of allergic asthma a time or two, around the time he started kindergarten."

"Which is how you knew what it was," Greg guessed.

"That is part of the reason," Susan agreed. She sighed again. "It's hard to believe Zack is so grown up. Do you know ... he told me last weekend that Kelly got her acceptance letter to Cal Poly recently? They are both going to be there next year."

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