Chapter 118 - Walks in the Morning

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There was so much discussion about Melody's upcoming appointment over that holiday weekend in February, Greg and Susan's company left for home only after extracting promises of phone calls on Tuesday evening to share how she did. And so, when Greg and Susan took Melody for her usual string of tests on Tuesday morning, they did so in anticipation of reporting back to the family that evening. The afternoon however was filled with a typical visit to Dr. Lin's office.

"How is she, doctor?" Greg asked anxiously while Dr. Lin read Melody's chart.

"I think we have some good news," Dr. Lin said. "So far, her labs look good. Her liver is stressed, but at the same level it was in January, which means it isn't getting any worse. Her lung function is better than it was, which means the pulmonary medicine we've added is doing its job. And although her cardiac system shows signs of growing gradually weaker, which is what we expected, the rate of that decrease has slowed. Its function is has been relatively stable for the past month ... meaning it is able to keep up with what she is doing."

"Is that the good news?" Greg asked warily.

"It is certainly encouraging. Melody's quality of life should be a bit better as long as her heart is able to keep up. But the good news I was referring to is, her weight is up. Melody weighed in today at 40 pounds exactly."

Susan grinned. "That is good news."

"Does that mean she's within the weight range necessary for the corrective surgery?" Greg asked.

"Yes and no. There is no denying reaching 40 pounds is a significant milestone for Melody," Dr. Lin said. "I understand she celebrated her birthday over the weekend."

"Yes," Susan said. "We had a party for her on Saturday."

"Did you by any chance prepare some of her favorite foods?" Dr. Lin asked.

"We did that the entire weekend," Susan said.

"Which means some of that weight may be due to her eating more than usual rather than actual growth," Dr. Lin said. "Let's see if she can maintain that gain over the next month. If she can, I think we may be ready to talk more seriously about scheduling her surgery the next time you come in."

Susan's smile grew brighter and even Greg smiled at the good news.

"Is there anything we need to do between now and then to be sure of that?" Susan asked.

"My recommendation is to keep doing what you've been doing. Encourage her to eat well at every meal and do what you can to see she gets regular exercise. Melody told me she's been taking her dog for a walk every morning with her big sister?"

"It is a habit they have developed recently," Greg confirmed.

"It's an excellent habit to have. That and your strategy of fixing her favorite foods at meal time seem to be working. My best advice is to keep doing it," Dr. Lin said.

"We will. Thank you, Doctor," Greg said seriously.

"You're welcome. I hope this does represent true gain, Mr. Abernathy," Dr. Lin said. "Currently Melody is relatively healthy. Her condition, while not optimal, is as good as we can expect it could be given the problems she is facing. I would like to be able to do the procedure while it still is."

"Is there anything we should do over the next month to improve the situation or make sure she is ready in March?" Susan asked.

"Lot's of fresh air and exercise, as I've said, in addition to how you're feeding her," Dr. Lin said. "I understand a friend of yours is training your dog to become a service dog for Melody."

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