Part 1.

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22 August.

''Sophie wake up time for school!'' ''Ugh, coming mom!'' It was 6:00 in the morning on Monday, first day of school after the holidays. I hate it to go back to school, except to see my friends. They are my everything. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, did my make up and chose my outfit. ''Mom, where is my checkered skirt?'' ''It's in the laundry, why?'' ''You know it's my favorite skirt, and it's my Monday skirt.'' ''But, why don't you just buy a lot of that skirt?'' ''That's because I don't want to be the 'checkered skirt girl' of the whole school! That's shameful!'' I looked for something else, I only saw my old pink fluffy pants from the primary school. ''Ugh, that is so 90's.'' I walked to the laundry and grabbed my skirt, I sprayed half of my deodorant bottle on my skirt to make sure it doesn't smells like an unwashed skirt. I putted it on, putted my white t-shirt on and my Adidas shoes, did my hair and walked to the dinning room to have breakfast with my mom. ''Good morning sweetheart.'' ''Meh, good morning.'' I said and mom shove a plate with toast and fresh fruit towards me and a cup of tea. ''Thank you.'' ''So, are you excited to go to school again?'' ''I'm only excited because I get to see my friends again after 2 whole months.'' I replied and I took a bite of me bread. ''So what you are saying is that your friends are more important than school?'' ''I'm not saying that, but it is kinda true.'' She rolled with her eyes and laughed. ''What is so funny about that?'' ''Nothing.'' She replied while laughing. ''Ugh, whatever. I'm going to school.'' I took my bag and got my bike and biked to school. 

(Several minutes later).

I arrived at school and saw everybody hugging each other and saying how much they missed each other, so sweet. When I walked inside I saw my group of friends standing there, we all ran towards each other and hugged. ''Emma, Levi, Maverick, I missed you guys so so much!'' ''We missed you too!'' They all said together. ''So, how has your 2 free months been so far?'' ''Hey, calm down Mav, let's talk about our vacation after school at Starbucks.'' Levi replied. ''Starbucks you said!?'' I asked Levi. ''Yeah...why?'' ''Oh my gosh, Starbucks is life thank you!!'' ''Hehe thanks.'' We headed to our class and just talked a bit until the teacher came. ''And I bought a game called 'Story cubes' with my mother, but I haven't played it yet.'' I said.''Alright class, enough talking, open your book on page 398.'' 

(after school)

''Alright guys, class dismissed so you can go now, I'll see you tomorrow.'' When we wanted to go out of the class the teacher stopped me. ''Sophie, can I talk to you for a minute?'' ''Euhm, sure Mr. Thompson, what is it?'' ''When was the last test you made?'' ''I think, 5 months ago.'' ''Mhm, and what did you got for it?'' ''I can't remember anymore.'' ''It was a D.'' ''Oh, well, what is with it? I mean, yes it's low but, other students get like, much lower than a D.'' ''Sophie, you never had an D before, is there anything wrong?'' ''Mr. Thompson, you have to care more about the students who get like an F instead of me getting a D.'' ''Sophie, you are one of my best students.'' ''So? There are no 'best students' for me, I have to go now I see u tomorrow Mr. Thompson.'' I walked out of the class and biked to Starbucks.

(Several minutes later)

''Hey Sophie your here.'' Levi said. We walked inside and ordered some Starbucks. ''Hello, what would you like to order?'' ''Hi, I would like the Neapolitan Frappuccino.'' ''Order is coming right up ma'am, what is your name?'' ''My name is Sophie.'' I spotted a place and sitted there. ''A Neapolitan Frappuccino for Sophie.'' I walked to the barista and took my drink. ''Thank you.'' I payed for the drink and walked back to my place. Emma, Levi and Maverick walked towards me with their drinks and sitted with me. ''Hey girl, wassup?'' ''Nothing much...'' ''Sophie, what did we missed?'' Emma asked. ''Mr. Thompson talked to me about my grade that I got for our last test.'' ''What did you get again?'' ''I think it was a D.'' ''Ohw, you never get a D.'' Levi said. ''That's exactly what Mr. Thompson said.'' I took a sip of my frappuccino and we talked about our vacation. ''So Sophie, what was the name of that game again?'' Emma asked. ''It's called 'story cubes', I haven't played it yet.'' ''What is that game about what you do with it?'' ''I don't know, I'll search it on internet.'' I grabbed my phone and searched it on google. ''Oh here it is, it says:''Story Cubes is a dice game from the publisher Gamewright and later The Creativity Hub, which is intended to encourage storytelling. It was first published in 2005, followed by several new editions and edits in different languages.''. Oh wow, makes sense about what it is.'' ''Sounds fun.'' Levi said and took a sip of his Starbucks. ''Hey, what about you guys are coming over tomorrow at my place? To hang out and play 'Story cubes'?'' ''Sounds great, after school?'' Levi asked. ''Sounds good to me.'' I replied. ''Hey, Sophie, I have to talk with you for a second, come with me.'' Emma said. ''Oh okay, what is it?'' ''We are all together best friends right?'' ''Duhh, of course we are! Why?'' ''Well, Maverick likes you.'' ''What you mean? As in...'' ''Yes, as in like you-like you.'' ''Oh god, well, I'm used to it, those nerds at school have a huge crush on me, so yeah, I got no problems with it.'' ''Okay good.'' We walked back to our table and talked about stuff.

(2 hours later)

''Mom, I'm home.'' ''Hey, where have you been?'' ''Starbucks. And I've got your favorite, Java chip.'' I gave the frappuccino to her and she really enjoyed it. I walked to my room and maked some homework until it was 21:00. I wore my pj's, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

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