Part 3

3 1 0

23 August

(The continue...)

''Sophie, don't worry it's not your fault.'' Maverick said. ''Yes it is! You guys were so excited to play this game and from out of the nothing we got in hell.'' We all walked around and under a tree I saw a treasure map. I picked it up and looked at it. ''Hey guys, look what I found.'' Everybody came to me except Emma. ''Is that a treasure map?'' ''Yeah it is.'' ''Eww grose!'' ''What is it Levi?'' I asked worried. ''This tree is full of bacteria!'' We all stepped away from the tree before we get bacteria. ''Wait a minute...'' I said. ''I know how we can get us out of here!'' Emma ran to me and shouted at me: ''HOW?! GET US OUT OF HERE NOW!!'' ''Alright, but first of all: Calm down. Second of all: This is a treasure map I found under a tree full of bacteria, and the dice I threw, there were pictures on it, 2 of them were a treasure map and an bacteria.'' ''So, what you mean is that those pictures on the dice are in this weird world and we have to find them to get out of here?'' Emma asked, but I saw on her face she struggled a bit. ''Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.'' ''Hmm okay, so what you are saying is that we need to find those pictures and than we can escape this weird world?'' ''FOR GOD SAKE YES!'' ''Hmm so-'' ''GIRL SHUT THE FUCK UP!!'' Levi yelled. ''Lets find those things, so we have the treasure map and the bacteria, maybe we can make a picture of it? You never know what is next.'' Maverick said. ''Good idea, lets do that.'' We all grabbed our phones and took a picture of the treasure map and the bacteria. ''Okay, what we have left?'' Emma asked curious. ''We still have the flowers, a monkey, a cave or tunnel, an ax, a treasure chest, a squid and a pot of gold.'' ''Alright, adventure time!'' We walked to places for hours, than for no reason Levi stopped. ''Levi, what's wrong?'' We asked worried. ''I saw something moving in the bushes.'' The bushes were moving, it looked like the sound became louder and louder until a monkey jumped out of it. We all screamed and jumped back. The monkey screamed and jumped up and down. We waited until we all calmed down. ''N-no worries, it's just a m-monkey.'' The monkey came closer to us. ''Take a picture of him.'' We took a picture and the monkey disappeared. ''Wow, that was a very weird situation.'' ''Okay, we only need flowers, a cave or tunnel, an ax, a treasure chest, a squid and a pot of gold.'' We walked to the middle of this world, it was a medium world, so there was nothing much here. ''Hey guys, there is a cave.'' We ran to the cave and saw an ax in it. We took a picture of the cave and the ax. They were about to walk away, but we needed to have a look inside. ''Guys wait! We need to look inside!'' I yelled. They came back and Emma said: ''Are you crazy?! I'm not going in that dirty cave.'' ''Aww, come on Emma, do you want do get out of this world or not?'' Levi said. ''Ugh fine, but only because I want to get out of this world.'' We walked into the cave and it was an whole end. ''Hey Maverick, why are you so silence?'' ''Nothing much, it's just weird being in this weird world, I thought magic wasn't real.'' We got at the end of the cave and saw a treasure chest. We ran to it and took a picture. We walked out of the cave and walked to the next picture. ''Alright we only have flowers, a squid and a pot of gold left.'' We walked to a big river, and it was very deep. ''I'm not going in there.'' Emma said and took 6 steps back. ''Okay I'll go.'' Levi said. ''No, I'll go, it's to dangerous.'' Maverick said right after him. ''You know what, I'll push the person I hate the most in the water.'' Emma said. We looked at each other. But in one second, Emma pushed me in the water. ''I hope you'll drown to death!'' She yelled while I was i the water. I was swimming very deep, I saw lots of squids, I took a picture but I couldn't get out of the water. Something was stopping me. I turned around and saw 3 squads pulling me, they wanted me to go with them, but it was to dangerous. I swam as fast as I can to escape but it was to hard. ''She is 2 minutes in there what is going on? I'm so worried.'' I heard above the water. ''Samantha are you there?'' I tried to talk but that was of course impossible because I was in the damn water. I kicked the squads and they let me go. ''Finally!'' I said in myself. ''Samantha where are you?!'' They were about to jump into the water but I came above. They lifted me up and I let myself fall down on the grass coughing as a wild freak. ''Samantha are you alright?!'' Maverick asked. ''Well lets see, 3 squads wanted me to go with them and they pulled me, it was hard for me to hold my breath, I couldn't take a quick breath because some asshole pushed me into the water.'' I looked with an straight and angry face to Emma who looked away. ''Your such a psycho, you literally lost your mind!'' ''Can we talk about this shit stuff later? I want to get out of here!'' ''Do you have a picture of the squads?'' Levi asked calm. ''Yes, I have.'' I send it to their phone so they have it too. ''Okay, only flowers and a pot of gold.'' We walked for hours, we walked 12 miles, we were so tired. I was seeing very dizzy. ''Guys...'' I said with a weak voice. ''Hmm?'' They said while walking. ''Everything is so...blurry...'' They quick turned around, I fell on the ground, but it wasn't just a ground, it was so soft. Like I fell on my bed. 

(Several minutes later).

''Samantha say something please!'' I heard, they talked so soft. ''What happened?'' ''You had a black-out.'' I groaned with disappointment, I stood up again and saw that we were in a large field of flowers. ''Hey, flowers!'' I said. ''Oh yeah, lets take a picture of it.'' We took a picture of it and walked further. Emma was running, but we weren't in a rush. ''Hey Emma, why are you running? We're not in any rush.'' ''We have 2 minutes left!'' ''Huh? What do you mean?'' ''When we teleported to this freaky world, there was a huge timer saying we had 19 hours to find those things.'' ''WHY YOU DIDN'T TOLD US?!'' Levi yelled. ''Lets not argue now, 2 minutes guys! RUN!'' We all ran to search the pot of gold. We saw a ravine and took a picture of it. When we had everything, we disappeared and teleported back to the woods in the normal world. ''Omg we made it yes!'' We all yelled. ''Lets all go back home, I'm tired AF.'' ''Okay fine.'' Emma said. We all walked back to our own house. ''Hey Sophie wait.'' Maverick said. I was about to turn to the left street, because I live there, Maverick lived at the right street. ''Yeah, what is it?'' ''I uh, I have a gift for you.'' He grabbed the gift out of his pocket. It was a necklace:

He helped me putting it on

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He helped me putting it on. ''Wow Maverick, this is so pretty! How'd you get it?'' ''Remember that treasure chest in that cave in that freaky world?'' ''Mhm. Wait, you got it from there?'' ''Yeah.'' ''Wow Maverick, that's sweet of you, thanks.'' We had an awkward silence for 5 seconds. ''I'll see you tomorrow I guess.'' I said. ''Cya.'' He walked to the right street and I walked to the left street. ''Mom, I'm home.'' ''Hey, it's 9 pm where were you?'' ''I uhm, was studying at the library.'' ''Oh, well, what happened? I heard from Emma you had an black-out.'' ''Yes, I was a bit dizzy, but I'm fine.'' ''Okay, goodnight than'' ''Goodnight mom.'' I walked to my room, putted on my pj's, brushed my teeth and went to sleep. Today was so weird. I hope tomorrow will be better. I grabbed my phone because I couldn't get into sleep, I watched 'Teen Wolf' until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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