32. You Get Injured and He Helps You

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Will was waiting patiently on the edge of the bathroom counter as you straightened your hair, biting your lips. You giggled as you noticed the fascinated look on his face as your wavy hair suddenly became straight. "That's so cool!" He chirped, and you laughed again. As you occupied yourself with flat ironing the last few pieces, you kept looking over as Will, but you failed to notice what you were doing with the straightener.

"Ow!" You let out a string of curses that Will blushed furiously at. "I burned myself." There was an angry red mark on the back of your hand. Will leapt up from his seat, and grasped it, pulling your hand under the cool water of the sink. "Keep it there." He instructed, then he went rummaging into the cabinet, pulling out a band aid and antibiotic ointment.

Will was startlingly gentle when he bandaged your hand, and when he was finished, he placed a kiss right on the center of the band aid. "All better!" He grinned, and you couldn't help but return a smile, pulling him into a hug.


You carefully started slicing the carrots for dinner. Cole was seated at the kitchen table, scrolling through Twitter and answering questions. "How much longer, babe?" He whined, throwing you a heart stopping grin. "Just a little bit more, Cole. Be patient." He moaned and groaned a bit more, clutching his stomach theatrically.

You laughed at his antics, watching him a bit more, while simultaneously cutting. You looked back when a flash of pain exploded in your finger, finding that you cut yourself while distracted. "Dammit," You cursed, grabbing a napkin to stem the bleeding. Cole walked over, taking your injured hand in his. He chuckled a bit at your foolishness, "C'mon, darlin'." He led you upstairs, laughing the entire time as you sent him sour but good-natured glares.

He helped you bandage yourself up, still making fun of you, but he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead when he was done. "Try to avoid hurting yourself from now on, okay?"


You two were traversing the town after getting ice cream, laughing about idiotic stuff. David made you stop so he could finish his ice cream, while you were at the top of the cone, barely eaten. "Hurry up, Davey!" You hopped in place as he threw away his napkins, taking his hand in yours. David ran after you as you dragged him along, ice cream in the other hand.

"Are you going to eat that?" He winked, gesturing to the almost full cone. You turned back to stick your tongue out at him, but you fell instead. You cried out in pain as your knee hit the ground, ice cream spiraling away from you as it fell onto the sidewalk with a splat. David immediately picked you up bridal style and turned back, heading home. You wiped your tears on his shirt the entire time.

When you got home, he cleaned your knee, putting a big colorful band aid on it, and bestowing a large kiss onto your nose. When you finally giggled, David grinned at you, standing up. "Let's go get you a replacement ice cream then!"


You came home after an awful day at work, index finger throbbing painfully. You had been cutting open boxes when you injured yourself, a blood blister appearing on your hand almost instantaneously. "Hey babe!" Gabe called from the top of the stairs, but the grin plastered on his face quickly disappeared when he noticed the pained look on your face. "What happened?" He asked.

You climbed the stairs slowly, throwing yourself into his arms. "Hurt myself at work." You mumbled into his shoulders, just wanting to never let go of him. Unfortunately, he had other plans. Gabe dragged you into the bathroom, examining the wound, carefully. He pulled out a band aid from one of the drawers and placed it directly on it, then kissing it.

"Feel any better?" He asked, a cheeky grin crossing his face. You laughed and pulled him towards the bed, just wanting the cuddle after the horrible day. "Thanks babe," you muttered against the covers. "Love you."


Dana was your best friend and roommate. You lived in a nice apartment together, even against your boyfriend's wishes, who was always really against you being near another boy constantly. You had always told him that you didn't have any feelings for Dana and that you only loved him, but you always had butterflies in your stomach around your best friend.

You came home one night, cut on your cheek, blood dripping onto your shirt. Dana rushed into the room at the sound of your muffled sobs. "Y/N..." He whispered, turning your face to see the cut left by your boyfriend. "I'm gonna kill him!" He suddenly yelled, fists clenched. "No! Just stop, Dana." Dana reluctantly stopped, promises of revenge floating through his head.

Dana gently bandaged your face, hands trembling with anger. When he was done, he pulled you into a tight hug, chin resting on your head. "Please don't go back to him, I don't want to see you hurt." You sobbed into his shoulder, "I love you, Dana." He froze up for a second, before hugging you even tighter. "I love you too."


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