006 - Expiate (In the Air Tonight, part 2)

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[Warning: long chapter ahead]


The man shifted around in his chair, trying to get comfortable. Eventually, when he did, he casually crossed his leg across his lap.

Joseph looked up at the man, who was now twiddling his thumbs.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Your name, sir?"

"Ah, yes. The name is Christian Muller. And please, don't call me sir, I work for a living." Christian laughed.

Joseph put his head back down, setting back to work. Something felt off with this one, but he could not place the feeling.

"Good, thank you. Your rank is?"

"I am, or rather I was, a Corporal," he replied.

"And your service number?"


"Great, thanks. Now, let's move on to your service history," Joseph said, as he switched from one page of the file to another.

"...and my last assignment was to Auschwitz."

Joseph looked up from his papers, he had not processed many concentration camp guards. He felt a sudden wave of heat go over him. So far Christian had had an unremarkable record despite the odd feeling in his stomach.

"I know what your are thinking, but I was only there for three months. I had never seen one of the camps before and it was... truly disturbing. I tried as often as I could to help the prisoners but... there was a lot of death in that place."

Joseph nodded, writing into his file. "Can you name some guards or prisoners who can corroborate your presence and activities?"

"Of course."

Joseph looked up from his file, closing it as he did. "I believe we have everything we need, unless you have anything further to add?"

"No, no, I think that is everything."

"Very well, thank you," Joseph replied, standing and collecting his things.

"Any ideas as to how long it will take to process my file? It is my understanding that if you have spent any time in one of the camps the process is much slower."

"Unfortunately I cannot say, it depends on how long it takes to compare your testimony to official documents, find others to corroborate your story, and to check if we need you to corroborate another soldiers testimony."

"Ah, I see. I did not realize it was such an involved process..."

Joseph turned to leave when Christian added, "Don't worry, I understand you must be thorough."

Joseph froze. He felt as though the world around him had dropped away. It was just Joseph and those two words. He willed himself to turn around.

"C-come again?"

Christian seemed to notice his change in demeanor. "I, uh, just said I understand you must be thorough."

"Before that."

"Before that? I asked about how long my processing would take."

"No, you said 'don't worry'"

Christian looked confused, but also guarded. "I don't recall... possibly."

"Say it again."

"Say what?"

Joseph stared him hard in the face.

"Don't worry. Say 'don't worry'."

Christian eyed him warily, "don't worry."

Joseph stood there for a few moments taking him in, then left. He headed straight to Captain Reynolds office, past the two bewildered soldiers assigned to move the prisoners.

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