014 - Gingerly [romantic fiction]

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Grace smiled as she stared at her bank balance, "$27,856" her cell phone read.

Clicking her phone off, she settled it on her lap. It was hard to believe that she had spent almost all of her winnings in just 2 years and yet, here she was on a park bench with just shy of $30,000 left to her name.

"What now?" she wondered. She tilted her head back and watched the clouds for a few minutes before sighing and bringing her phone back to her face.

Grace flipped through her contacts until she got to Henry's entry and opened it. Her last phone call to him was 1 year and 10 months ago and the last text was not much newer.

She opened the text, as she had done so many times before, and read the short message. "I miss you. Call me."

Her finger hovered over the call button for several moments as an internal debate raged on. Eventually she pressed the button and gingerly held the phone to her ear. After a few rings, Henry picked up.


"Hi Henry, it's Grace."

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