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The Water Skylanders then hear from Spyro that Kaos was after the Water Fragment as well, and Gill Grunt quickly lead his fellow Water Skylanders to the Kingdom of the Merpeople, knowing that the merpeople, who have swam the waters for thousands of years, would know the location of the fragment. The Skylanders discovered the kingdom was deserted, with only the elderly, children, King Scalebeard, Prince Aquan, and Princess Finella still within the kingdom's barrier. Suddenly Prince Aquan and Princess Finella fell under a strange trance and swam out of the kingdom along with several other merfolk with the Skylanders in hot pursuit to see where they were going.

During the chase, Wham-Shell mysteriously had fallen under a spell and turned on Gill Grunt and Zap, capturing Zap and dragging the nearly unconscious water dragon into a cave where the hypnotized merfolk went into. Gill Grunt soon discovered that Wham-Shell and merfolk were being controlled by Captain Grimslobber, who was using the Fish Master's Crown, an artifact that allows the wearer to have control over any creature of the sea, to enslave the merpeople and force them to haul out gem-eels and ship them to the surface where Grimslobber would become rich.


ill Grunt soon fell under the control of the Fish Master's Crown, but with the help of a captured Zap, the Gillman was able to break free of the curse, causing Grimslobber to lose control over a portion of the merpeople and Wham-Shell when trying to regain his control over Gill Grunt. During the confusion, which resulted in the gem-eels getting freed, Grimslobber lost his hold on the Crown and it shattered into two pieces, fully freeing the merfolk. As the pirate captain made a hasty retreat, Gill Grunt hung onto the diving bell Grimslobber was in and cronfronted the captain and his crew on board the Fearsome Fang. With the help of the freed merfolk, Zap, Wham-Shell, and even Spyro, the Gillman bested Grimslobber and his pirate crew.

In a last attempt to kill Gill Grunt, Grimslobber pulled out a pistol after claiming that he would change his ways, but missed the shot when the merfolk tilted the ship. Gill Grunt attempted to save the pirate captain (who couldn't swim) from falling overboard, only to see the Cloud Kraken swallow Grimslobber whole. Kaos then revealed his presence, having recovered the pieces of the broken Fish Master's Crown that supposedly contained the Water Fragment. After taunting the Skylanders, the evil Portal Master made his leave but not before sinking the Fearsome Fang, causing Spyro, Gill Grunt, Zap, and Wham-Shell to quickly escape off of Grimslobber's sinking ship via portal.

Back at the Eternal Archives, it seemed the Skylanders had failed their mission to retrieve the Water fragment, when Gill Grunt checked Grimslobber's satchel he brought back with him and held a dirty rag the captain had used to wrap the Fish Master's Crown. The rag soon revealed itself to be the Water Fragment, making the Skylanders realize that Kaos had stolen nothing more than a worthless broken crown. Knowing that Kaos would be after the next fragment to the Mask of Power, Gill Grunt and Spyro both knew that the Skylanders would be ready for him.

Trigger Happy Targets the Evil Kaos

When Kaos was able complete the Mask of Power, Gill Grunt was one of the many Skylanders assembled to stop him. However despite infiltrating Kaos' Kastle, the evil Portal Master puts on the Mask of Power and used its abilities to steal the powers of all the Skylanders, including Gill Grunt's. The Gillman and his companions were nearly overwhelmed by Kaos, but were transported to safety by Master Eon.

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure

Gill Grunt participated in the battle against Kaos's minions along with some of the other Skylanders to protect the Core of Light, taking out two Cyclops Choppers and a Goliath Drow. When Kaos's Hydra ultimately destroyed the Core, Gill Grunt, along with the other Skylanders, were banished from Skylands to Earth where they were turned into toys, and waited for the new Portal Master to find him.

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