Im stOoOpid

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Hi guys so the reason I haven't been active today is because if you guys saw my pictures I have braces and out of all the ppl in the world I decided to eat some chips today and that whole mother fucking bottom row popped of now my mother is torturing me because I always brake them and she won't take me back to the orthodontist to get it fixed and let me tell that shit hurt like a BITCH like I'm in so much pain you guys pls help I think I might start a foundation 😂😂😂but like for real I'll try to update to night also I fucking failed my reading test today but like everyone in my whole class made a 57 then when we took our math test I made a 87 then when we did a fucking paper test I got a fucking 75 fucking help meeeee and guys I'm not stupid like I always make a b honor roll but this new school year has me fucked up😭😭😭

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