Going to jail (short)

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Ouuu ya girl being active 😍😂

Since this one is short the next one will be long

Recap:princes mom and the lady are fighting then the police comes
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The police pulls up really quick and break up the fight they ask what was happing and turns out the lady always hits children and they gave her a warning last time and this time they took her to jail for 1 month

Princes mom: ok prince I think it's time to go home

Prince:NOOOO I wanna stay with aunt y/n and uncle Alex

Y/n:awww Alex he likes you

Alex:yeah we cool now maybe you can come over again soon

Prince:ok Alex can't wait to see you

Princes mom:bye sis bye Alex


Y/n:bye sis

They leave

Y/n:I can't believe you guys actually got along

Alex:he really isn't that bad he's like my little brother

Y/n:that's cute but remember what u told me

Alex:yep now lets go get ice cream


??:hi y/n how have you been!!

They saw...

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