I dont have a title oof

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You then.....

Grab Alex and walk out of prince's room and you go to you and Alex's room

Y/n:ALEX why would you do that
Alex:chill bbg he's gonna learn sooner or later
Y/n:bro stfu cause right now I'm heated with you I can barley even walk
Alex:😂 I thought you were the one that said daddy faster
Y/n:dude shut up🙄
Alex:oh so I'm dude now
Y/n:fuck you
Alex:I just did
Y/n:suck a dick and die
Alex:wanna suck my dick
Y/n:stfu you pussy
Alex:what did you call me??!
Y/n:a puss-

You get cut off by Alex grabbing your neck
(Not in a harmful way but like one of your turn on's)
Alex:wanna say that again
Y/n:I said your a puss-
His grip gets tighter and he starts kissing your soft spot
Y/n:omg yess*moan*
Alex:gn bbg
He lets go
Y/n fucking tease
You guys go to sleep

*next morning*

You wake up and don't see Alex or prince you go down stairs and see Alex cooking and prince watching tv sitting on the couch you walk over to Alex

Y/n:gm bb *yawns*
Alex:gm ma
(Idk I like it when boys call me ma but like I'm not a thot and I'm a virgin 😂ksksks)
Y/n:I like that name
Alex:oh so you
Y/n:hehe I can't with you
You walk over to prince
Prince:hey mama gm

Prince likes to call you mama but he knows who his real mom is
Y/n:gm my little angel
Alex:foods done!
He brings Rocket shaped pancakes,bacon,and Mickey Mouse orange juice
Prince:yay!!!its a rocket thanks Alex!
he runs to Alex and gives him a big hug you and Alex both looked surprised Alex hugged him back the whole morning prince was being good 
Alex:prince why are you in suck a good mood today?😂
Prince:because I have a play date with Emily !!

Prince has a crush on her
Y/n:oh yeah that's right speaking of that I need to take you there now
Prince goes and gets ready you two head out the door and you drop prince off you text Alex and tell him your gonna go to the store

Text convo between you 2:

Hey I'm gonna go to the store I'll be back in 5 minutes

Papi🙄🥵❣️:ok and can you bring me some snacks


Papi🙄🥵❣️:ok thank ma

End of texts
Ongsvgebdnrnf omgggg idk what happens to the writingggg I'll have to right another one I'll post the other part 2night

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