2. Honey and Decapitation

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T W O:
Honey and Decapitation
"Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way."

*violent imagery + talk of blood ahead*

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*violent imagery + talk of blood ahead*

The year 827
I've finally done it. I have taken over their land.

I will trap them like they trapped us. I will only give them food when I feel it is necessary. If they come to kill me I will let them. I will let them get trampled by my guards. I will let them fight a war they cannot win.

Their king. What a coward. He begged me not to rip out his heart, he begged me to leave his children alive, to find something useful for them to do. They shivered with fear, their hearts racing. He begged me to have mercy.

I've never been one for mercy.

I ripped his children limb from limb right in front of his eyes. He screamed. Begged me to stop. How pathetic.

He keeps me hungry for decades and expects me to care about him?

No. I killed his whole family. Made them scream. Made them, live out their worst nightmares. I'm now the human's worst nightmare. I will kill all of the unloyal ones. Murder them right in front of their families eyes.

Just the same as they did to me and my family.

When it was all over. I fed their king to the hungry. Made him suffer the pain of a thousand bites. All at once.

I am their ruler now. They will bow down to me. They will respect me.

Long live king Louis.

Louis' mind fogged with the desire to eat. His head was pounding, his stomach aching. Begging him to put something, anything into his body. The woman Louis usually fed on was named Olivia. She belonged to Nicholas, but when given the chance to feed the king she leaped higher than any bunny Louis had ever seen.

She had honey brown eyes and curly blond hair. The curls looped around one another with such little effort, Louis himself thought they were beautiful.

For a woman with such a beautiful name you'd imagine soft curves, hopeful eyes, and beautiful skin. When you looked at Olivia you saw no such beauty.

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