3. Fire and Ice

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T H R E E:
Fire and Ice
"Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate, to say that for destruction ice is also great. And would suffice."
  Robert Frost. "Fire and Ice"

 "Fire and Ice"

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January 30

Dear Mother,

It seems as though every time the cage catches a break, the world comes back around and breaks our healing bones once again. We had no safety measures set in place in case disaster struck, you know this.

The cage has been struck with tragedy. The crops have flooded and we've lost a cart full of bread. The children huddle about in an attempt to help the elders and the matures re-soil the planting boxes. Although they're struggling to gather the crops that survived, the elders and matures are putting on a show of making sure the children think we have just enough.

And we do. But it'll be scarce and we'll have to ration. They say that when disaster strikes there will be mass hysteria. For the sake of The Cage, I hope that's not true. We've always had to ration, but this won't be like the other times. This time there will have to be strict rules. No seconds, no snacks.

And I, just like everyone else who knows of the crumbling nature of our village am afraid that once families find out about these rules, they will fight tooth and nail for more food. For the sole purpose of feeding their families without having to worry about hunger ever passing them. As of right now, that's just not possible.

Of course, the King has sent his men to do the dirty work in informing us that there will be no extra shipments until the kingdom's crops are replanted and bountiful again. They also made sure to tell us that The Choosing will still be taking place; they told us we should be ready in the event that someone from our village gets chosen. And you, mother already know my stance on that mater.

What I don't understand is, why do the kingdom's crops need to be replanted and bountiful? All they drink is human blood. I'm sure they treat their blood slaves with as much respect as they treat the sweat that gathers under their armor on a hot day.

Do vampires sweat mother? I presume they don't, those immortal bastards have never felt an ounce of inconvenience in their whole millennia of life. Or death I should say.

The elders have informed us that even though there has been a setback in our crops, the alcohol is still bountiful so the party at the Oasis will still be happening. What foolish decisions. There are things to be done around here and they want us to party? To dance the night away in an attempt to forget that we are in fact (pardon my language mother) royally fucked?

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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