Atsushi x Akutagawa

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Hey guys!

This is a very long chapter, and this is a bit of a lemon, so yay!

"Atsushi, I am assigning you a new mission", Dazai said with a very serious expression.

"Yes", Atsushi said with an equally serious expression.

"Accompany Akukagawa to the theme park for me, please", Dazai said, his expression changing from a grave expression to one of amusement and his eyes turned into puppy eyes.

"Eh?!", Atsushi exclaimed, as his expression changed to one of utter disbelief and shock.

Atsushi glanced at his watch.


Akutagawa sure was late. He was supposed to be here at 2:30.

Where was he?

After Dazai had asked Atsushi to accompany Akutagawa, he had pleaded till Atsushi had shaken his head in despair and agreed.

Turns out, Dazai was supposed to accompany him, but a sudden appointment had come up, so he had to leave.

But, since this was the only day off for Akutagawa, and Dazai did not want to cancel their plans at the last moment, he wanted Atsushi to go instead.

Suddenly, Atsushi stopped a guy with black hair, with white tips. He was wearing jeans and a cotton checked t-shirt.

Akutagawa looked so...normal, that Atsushi had to force himself to believe that that was really him, and walk towards him.

"Akutagawa?", Atsushi asked with distinct unsurety in his voice.

"Were tiger", was the only simple reply Akutagawa gave him.

"Something came up for Dazai-san, so I'll be going with you today, right?", they both said together.



"But Dazai-san said that I had to accompany you because he had another errand to run at the last moment", said Akutagawa, confused.

"He said the same thing to me", nodded Atsushi.

"That bastard", growled Akutagawa. "He's so sly. He knows how I feel..", muttered Akutagawa.

"What?", asked a more confused Atsushi.

"Nothing. Since we are here, let's look around", Akutagawa said simply, walking with his hands in his pockets.

He looked so handsome in casuals, Atsushi thought to himself as he walked behind him.

"You look good in casuals", commented Atsushi.

"Really?", Akutagawa said calmly, but Atsushi noticed that his ears were bright red.

Atsushi could not see his face, but he was certain he was blushing.

How cute, thought Atsushi. Who would have guessed that Akutagawa could also blush, huh?

Suddenly, Atsushi's attention was diverted by screams in the background.

"What was that?", he asked Akutagawa, getting into a defensive pose.

"Ah, those were from the people on the roller coaster", he replied calmly.

"What coater?", Atsushi asked confused.

"Roller coaster. Don't tell me you have never been on one", Akutagawa asked, his expression finally changing to one of disbelief.

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