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Hello. Hola. Hallo. Saluton. Hei. Ahoj. Bonjour. 안녕하세요.

Hello to any unfortunate soul that has stumbled across my book*waves a cheerful, enthusiastic wave with a huge smile plastered on her face*

This is my diary/journal of sorts, which is going to be the home of various anecdotes, rants and random thoughts. Now you may ask, 'why don't you just write it down on a notebook, y'know like a normal person?' My answer is:
"Because I feel stupid having a conversation with a notebook. Atleast here people read the books and actively comment so it's not that weird."

But if you like writing in diaries that's totally awesome too. Yay!! You go girl! or guy! or toaster!

Now that you've clicked on my book you shan't stop reading.
You: *whining*But I don't want to read! It's so boring.
Me: Ok fine you can go.
You: Really!?
Me: Yup *holds thee with her glittering eyes, like the Ancient Mariner, through the screen... somehow. Hey don't question it.*

If you get notified by any updates from this book in the next three months, then you automatically know that it is somewhere around 1:00am to 3:00am in the morning, where I live.

Non - existent readers: Why would you post at such ungodly hours?
Me: *answers with tears streaming down her face* Good question and I'd like to answer with *whispers: I have no life* EXAMS!!! the bane of my existence and I want a fricking break from staring at bloody numbers.

WARNING: I have a very cynical sense of humour. If you are easily butthurt then I only have one thing to say to you...stop being so easily butthurt.

12 January 2019
Yay! My little brother is here! Let's welcome him *throws confetti in the air*
*Glares at people who don't join in* Let's. Welcome. Him.

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