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My passion is to read.

I've had a significant past. I've been a queen ruling over Kingdoms, a warrior fighting battles, a demigod, I've saved the world during apocalyptic times, discovered glorious ancient ruins, all while lazing in a couch.

Some may say- scratch that, everyone will say that I'm crazy or that I have a loose screw. But I know that the secrets to my remarkable travels lie in a book. A book filled with stories from the front cover to the back cover waiting to be discovered.

Ever since I was a mere child reading has drawn me into a different, a very beautiful Universe. It has comforted me through my times of unbearable boredom and loneliness. My desire to read is very, very compelling, once I start reading a book I'll never put it down without finishing it, no matter what. Whenever I find a book that I just cannot stop reading, I find other books written by the same author, knowing I could read it for hours.

Everywhere I go, I carry book. Reading is my getaway. Once I start reading something it is as if I sink into the pages. I feel like I'm in the story with the characters, seeing everything that they see and going everywhere they go. Whenever I start reading, I just get enraptured by it and forget everything going on around me until someone makes me realise that I haven't moved in hours.


So I was rummaging through my old textbooks and notebooks when I came across this one. I think I wrote this when I was in 6th or 7th grade, before I discovered Wattpad. I still remember lugging around 7 to 8 story books even when we were on vacations. *Wistful sigh* Those were the days.

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