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Mercedes pov

It's 11:00 am I got up and made my bed I got undress in took my shower when I got out I put on my grey sweats with my white and gray shirt that says "dope" with my black flip flops and a messy bun to go with it *wink* after putting on my cloths on I brushed my teeth and got my keys and purse and phone in head out the door....I unlock my car in got in but before I turn on the engine I text my girls ..


Mercedes:hey lily gurl

Lily:sup wyd

Mercedes:about go check up at the doctor office u wanna meet me there



And I also text Dakota


Mercedes:hey Dakota

Dakota:hey missy

Mercedes:u wanna come with me too the doctor or meet me

Dakota:yea I'll meet ya but Ashley ass better not be there

Mercedes:😐be nice Dakota

Dakota:okay whetever I'll be at the office bye


Text :Ashely 😝

Mercedes:hey ash

Ashely:sup sis

Mercedes: do u wanna come with me to the doctor .

Ashely:of course

Mercedes:ight on my way

I got done texting in drove off to go get ash 20 minutes later we made it on the south side to my original doctor office we went in the office I sign the clip board and set back down to wait .....

Lily:hey what's wrong *sitting by me *

Mercedes:I've been sick lately so I just came to check what was wrong

Dakota:aw ay Mercedes where's Ashely

Mercedes:in the bathroom

Ashely comes out the bathroom in sits down then about 3minutes she notices Dakota..-_-

Ashely:why are u here

Dakota:cause I'm with my best friend Mercedes

Ashely:oh yea this a doctor office

Dakota:mhmm why heffa !

Ashely:cause your ass going need a doctor when I'm done with u bitch

Mercedes:ay calm it down this a office shhh...people working

Doctor k:Mercedes miller *looking on the clip board *


We all set in the room the doctor told me to explain what's the problem.

Mercedes:well lately I've been throwing up and I don't know why

Doctor k:are u nervous ?


Doctor k:well let's run some tests okay I'll be back

4 minutes later the doctor brings some in for me so I take it he goes to see the results in here it is.

Doctor k:okay we found out what's wrong

Mercedes:is it the flu or so what type of medicine I need

Doctor k:nope your pregnant


Ashely:omg awwww my little niece or nephew


Mercedes:oh damn :0

Doctor k:next week u could come see me for what u wanna do


This is mostly talking about what happen back in my other book episode 16 of Chicago life with girls so this is a previously on blah blah so yea enjoy

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