The next day ep 2

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Mercedes pov

As I get out of my bed I make my bed then go to the bathroom to do my daily Business ....👀brush my teeth ,wash face ,and ....u know pee ! After that I smelled a delightful smell of pancakes and more breakfast i followed the smelled and saw Marcus cooking yum my hubby so special ❤️...

Marcus:oh morning sleeping head

Mercedes:*giggles* morning dread head

Marcus lays the food on the table kisses me we ate and clean up at bit I went in the living room in plopped on the couch turning to oxygen channel to watch bgc12 Marcus comes in lay on me ,while we both watching bgc I'm twirling his dreads with my fingers .

Marcus:ay I gotta go to da studio *kisses Mercedes*

Mercedes:Otay bae

I guess I'm home alone oh well he'll be back 👀lol okay

I got off of the couch ,took my shower I put on my black emoji pants with my black emoji shirt also with my black ugg slippers.i brushed my teeth put a lil dap of pink lipgloss and my hair curled 💋💄👄after that I called my dad to come over at 6:00 also texted Marcus to come before 6:00 so I could have a dinner to tell my daddy the news .....


How y'all think it's going go?

How y'all think Mercedes dad gonna take it ?

Do y'all like my story ?

Should I keep writing ????

But anyway answer question =shout out 👍

Please comment and vote thank ya love ya

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