Day after day ep 5

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Marcus pov

As y'all something went down yesterday Mercedes and her dad talk and blah blah .i was laying in bed beside her while she was sleep like an beautiful angel but at some point I still think about how we just fell In love like I didn't like her why ? Well....she was young and at first she wasn't my type but that date had me feeling some type of way 😏and that's how the pregnancy happen...I also wonder what gender we having a girl or a boy but it obversely doesn't matter to me I'm just saying.

Mercedes:um Marcus?

Marcus:morning *kissing Mercedes neck*

Mercedes:yesterday was a horrible day

Marcus:yea I know but forget it about it okay I got u ,Ashely got u ,even my parents got u okay babe *kissing her more

Mercedes: I know *getting up*

Marcus:okay then so you'll be alright okay now u go get ready and were about go our moms house okay

Mercedes:okay ...

Wasup it's me trill yea I change my name but anyway .

1.hows it going ?

2.what u think

3.whats gonna happen at Marcus Moma house ?who knows ?

Please comment ,vote ,and thank ya love ya 😂✌️❤️

P.s all shout outs to the people that read my story ✌️

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