Chapter 1

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(Kayla's POV)

I walked out of my dressing room,wearing the outfit I was supposed to be wearing. It was a beautiful black lace dress with red jewels,placed randomly around the dresses,it had a lace up back with black string. With the dress I wore black heels,with red gems on them. I was here at the Golden Globe awards to model the newest Rock Chic line. The show was half through and I headed to get my makeup done. I sat down inthe chair as my best-friend Raphael did my makeup. He looked at me,"girl you need to eat more,you are skinny as a twig." I chuckled,"Raphael I'm not skinny,please. I'm a pig." He shook his head,continuing to do my makeup,"tonight after the show you and me,we're going to dinner okay chica?" I nodded,smiling,"okay dear." After twenty minutes he was done with my hair and makeup. I got up and kissed him on the cheek. I heard the door open,"Kayla you better not be kissing my boyfriend,you here?" I turned and laughed,seeing Raphael's boyfriend Damon smirking at us. I pulled away,"you know I would never do that." He smirked your on in five minutes hon you look fab!" I smiled and ran to get in my place. I heard the announcer,"and for the

Ladies tongiht,the hottest dress on the line of Rock Chic." I made my face straight as I stepped onto the runway,walking confidently all the way to the end.I turned so both sides of the stage could see. I turned on my heel and walked back to the end stage."All of these clothes are on sale,which you can place an order with the model wearing that item. Enjoy the rest of the show!" I got a tiny more makeup on and walked down the side stairs with a few more models. I walked around the random tables,when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned,smiling,"yes?" I saw a tall guy with piercing eyes,before I realized who it was. Andy Biersack,my ex-best friend,the guy I'd had a crush on, guy that broke me emotionally. He looked at me,"Hello I'd like to buy-,"his eyes widened,as if he realized who I was," Kayla is that you?" I nodded,"yes hello Andrew." He looked ate,"I haven't seen you in-" I nodded sharply,"yes it's been awhile,now sir if you'd like to purchase a dress,please fill out this form." He looked at me,"Kay-b-." "Don't call me that,I don't go by that,now if you want to purchas this dress,fill out the form please." He nodded and filled out the form."thanks for the contribution to the Rock Chic House of fashion." I turned around walking off across the room. The show had just ended and everyone was now leaving. I walked backstage,handing the forms to my manager,who would hand them over to the owner of Rock Chic fashion line. I took my dress off,dressing in jean shorts and a tanktop. It was all that could fit me. I said goodbye to Raphael and Damon,giving them an Exuse to not eating diner with them. I walked out the door,pulling a cigarette out of my purse. I lit it,taking in a deep drag. I started walking home,my apartment was a lot of blocks away from the awards show. It was freezing outside,but like I said my shorts and tank top would only fit me. I shivered as I smoked. I heard footsteps behind me and saw and heard a group of five guys,dressed all in tuxedos and their dates in beautiful dresses. I kept walking,putting my cigarette out. I lit another one. I saw out the corner of my eye,that they were still behind me. I saw my buddy Clara at her car. I smiled and walked over,"hey Clara!" She turned,"hey Kayla how was the gig tonight?" "Great,made some money to pay the rent,bills,get some groceries you know normal stuff." She laughed,"I know right and you look beautiful and so thin! How do you do it?" I smiled,"you know diet,diet,diet,eat healthy,

exercise,and most importantly skip a few meals every now and then." We chuckled."Hey look Clara it was nice seeing you,but I have to get back home,I'm exhausted." She hugged me,"bye girl call me sometime!" I smiled,"I will!" I turned and started walking home again,seeing the people still behind me. I scowled and kept walking. I finished my cigararette walking faster. I finally reached my apartment building,the apartment itself wasn't very nice,and it was in an okay neighborhood. I got my mail,all of which were bills. I saw the people who were behind me,stopped at a street corner. I sighed,walking to my door,getting my key out. I heard someone call to me,turning I saw one of the men looking tame,"hey do you have a cigararette you can spare?" I nodded,"yeah sure hold on." I unlocked my door,and walked to him,handing him a cigarette. I shivered softly,wanting to get inside. He looked at me,"my name's Ashley what's your name?" "My name is Kayla." He smiled,"well Kayla,what is a pretty girl like you doing in shorts and a tanktop in chilly weather?" I rolled my eyes,"it's all that fits me and what I've been doing is none of your business Ashley." He chuckled,"ooh you're feisty I like them feisty." I sighed,"look can you just go already? I gave you the cigararette just go back to your friends damn." I turned and started walking,"okay I see that's how it is baby,I love you to!" I heard some laughter fromthe group,"call me sexy!" I scowled and turned around,"look sir I don't know who the fuck you are,but I am freezing and tongiht wasnt the best of nights okay?" He looked at me,"wanna talk we can go back to my house and we can talk there." I chuckled,"oh wait I know who you are,you're that Purdy guy from Black Veil Brides,you know you're the player in the band. Mmmm hmm yeah. I don't do players sorry Hun,but you see there is a literal whorehouse two doors down." I pointed for emphasis. I heard the people laughing. He scowled,"yeah well I know girls like you,models who take everything for granted and are super richandeat all they want and when they're carreer is over,they get fat and ugly. But I mean you're a model and a little bit chubby,aren't models supposed to be skinny?" He smirked at me. Tears watered in my eyes,a small sob leaving my throat. I chuckled harshly,"you're absolutely right Mr. Purdy I'm a disgusting,fat pig,a worthless piece of fat shit,who lives alone because she is so fat that nobody will want her. You're absolutely right. But you see you have one thing wrong,I don't take anything for granted,because I know what it's like to trust someone and have that broken,to have just the words fat pig,change me. I know what it's like to be afraid to eat anything because of two fucking words." I laughed again,"so thanks for the truthful comments about my weight,because I know that I'm fat,because I'm going to be skinny even if I die trying. But if I do die, at least the world will best much better without a fat,disgusting,ugly,worthless,pig like me in it." I turned around,walking to my door,tears falling down my cheek. I walked in my door,turning,"enjoy your night everyone you're all fucking beautiful. I'm apologize for you to have to see something as disgusting as me." I turned back,shutting the door. I locked the door,running to the bathroom,shoving my fingers down my throat,making me throw up into the toilet,I did it five more times,knowing my stomach was empty. I flushed the toilet as more sobs escaped my lips.

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