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You grab your stuff and Yeet yourself out the door in order to make it to the bus stop in time. You've been late before, and its not a very fun thing to do. The professor gets all up in your business and wants to know what you've been doing, or they don't care but you have to catch up with everything that happened. That's never an easy thing to do in art. Ever.

Now that news was out of you and Jungkook dating you had to wear a mask everywhere you went or people would attack you or ask for your autograph or something.


ANYWAY. You dAsHi rUn rUN RuN to the bus stop just in time to catch the bus and find a seat to sit in. You plug in your headphones and listen to your boyfriend singing covers like Sofa and nothing like us.

Mmm. Perfection. Ten outta ten would play again. 

While listening to your songs you observe the world around you, people coming and going as they please, carrying on with their lives, not caring about anyone else.

"Speaking of other people I wonder how my friends are going to react," you think to yourself Absent mindingly playing with your headphone chord. You hadn't told them you've been dating Jungkook yet. They're probably going to be mad.  Very mad

Finally your stop comes up, and you get off walking the rest of the way to your school. Upon arrival you were attacked by a smol energy ball you call your friend, and dragged to lord knows where. 


"Uuuuuuummmmmmm because you'd probably scream it to the world," you say hoping your eardrums are still somewhat intact, "good lord Naegan did you have to scream right in my face?"

"Fair," she shrugs, "and yes I did, its your fault for not telling me you're dating him"

You sigh, "okay I'm sorry about that"

"Nope, not enough, you're going to have to introduce me to a hot idol or I'm not forgiving you," she crosses her arms and tilts her head back to look up at you.

"Are you kidding Neagan? You know I can't do that," you scowl at her.

"It was worth a try," she shrugs and smiles at you. You just roll your eyes and put your arm around her shoulder as you walk to your first class.

"So how long have you guys been dating?" She asks when you both are seated.

"Ummmmm, five months I believe..." You trail off.

"Oh, so five months of betraying my trust," she sister salted the wound.

"I said I'm sooorrrryyyyy, but to be fair I did tell you I had a crush on someone"

"Yeah, but you left out the fact that he is an, oh I don't know, iDoL," she throws her head back, and comes to face you again slamming her hands on the table, "tHaTs sOmE pReTty imPoRtANT iNfO my gUy"

You roll your eyes at her extraness and get your project out of your bag, waiting for the professor (shut up Malfoy) when your other two friends strut in and sit down next to you.

"Hey losers," saol exclaims proping her feet up onto the desk.

"Sup idiot," you reply, knocking her feet off the desk, "get your feet down, what where you, raised in a barn?" You give her a face of disgust.

"Have you seen my room?" She asks

"Fair," you all reply in unison, right as the professor walks in and clears his throat.

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