Chapter XXIX

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Song of the chapter:
The Few Things - JP Saxe, Charlotte Lawrence


"You are safe now"


"Please wake up, please" I hear a males voice far away, I can't place who it is.

I try to open my eyes and talk back but I can't.

I'm stuck.

I can't do anything.

"Please, Faith, Wake up for me" He starts crying.

I wish I could talk back to this unknown person and tell him it'll be okay but I can't.

"Mr. Chae, please give her some rest" A woman says.

Mr. Chae.. that sound quite sexy.. I wonder who he is..

"Will she ever wake up, She's been laying there for almost 2 months now" The guy says again.

"She will wake up, it's not sure when and how.. she lost much blood and has been shot at a spot that can damage your brain real bad" The woman tells the guy.

"Alright.. well, I will leave now, I'm gone for three weeks to the United States. I hope you can update me as much as you can, I want to be there for her when she wakes up" Mr. Chae tells the Woman.

"I will do what I can, I won't promise you anything, I'm sorry you have to go through this.. She must be really important to you" She says.

"Yeah.. A bit too important, sadly" He says disappointed in himself.

"What? Love is a great thing" She says.

"Well.. Not really, I mean not with my job.. I'm always gone, even when she needs me the most I get distracted by my work, I shouldn't love her, she is too good for me.. She doesn't deserve me" He says and with that I hear his footsteps walking out.

The woman sighs and I hear her coming closer.

"Hold on please, mr. Chae has been visiting you for the past 24 days of your coma, I know you can do this.. Please fight against the coma" the woman tells me and walks away too.

So I'm in a coma.

Well I'm fucked up.

How did this even happen to me?

Why am I even thinking this much?


The past few days I had a lot of visitors.

And I could never place who they were.

Except for two persons.

"Mommy, What is she doing Hyelin?" A little girl says, and the only thing I want to do is cry but I can't.

"She is sleeping darling" Hyelin tells her.

"But why? She slept enough now" Soojin asks confused.

"Yes, you're right, she has slept enough.. but sometimes people have to sleep more than enough to feel good again, and that's okay." Hyelin says and I hear that she is at the point of crying.

"Why is mommy never with us? I miss her" Soojin asks.

"Darling.. You will understand when you are older, should we get candy now?" Hyelin asks.



"It's alright if you want to go, if you can't hold on.. I would feel the same if I had to go through all of that, you can let go.. I will not blame you" Hyelin says a couple minutes later when she walks into the room again, about to break down.

"You are literally the best person I could ever imagine meeting on this earth, you are so bright and cheerful, I do not understand how this could happen to you.. I want you to hold on so freaking bad but I also understand with my whole heart if you want to let go, I will miss you so so much but that's okay.. I will never forget how good you were for this world, you even made the devil an angel" Hyelin cries.

"I will go now, I love you" She cries a couple more minutes close to me in silence before leaving the room and leaving me alone again.

God why can't I just wake up.


"I'm sorry to tell you this mr. Chae but I'm afraid Faiths condition is worse than I thought.. I'm afraid we have to end it if she doesn't wake up in a week..... I understand this isn't easy for us either.. Yeah sure, we can wait until you arrived here with ending it.. I'm not sure, that will be a miracle, she is in a bad state... alright then, goodbye" Jessica the doctor and the woman who is in my room to take care of me all the time hangs up the phone, she was talking to that mr. Chae again.

"Goodmorning Faith, as you heard you have one week left to fight this coma.. I'm sure you are strong enough... You can do this okay? Believe in yourself" She says calming.

one week later.

"Let me see her please" A male voice which I guess is mr. Chae yells from far.

"You can see her, but we give you ten minutes" Someone says and opens the door.

"Fine" Mr. Chae says.

it's quiet for a while before Chae starts to speak up.

"Hey Faith, It's Hyungwon..
I have no idea if you remember me, I'm not even sure if you can hear me fully."

I feel a soft hand folding into mine.

"I wrote you a letter, but since you are in a come and these are your last minutes I will read it to you, I wrote it hoping you might wake up and read it yourself but I guess that's not possible anymore." He cries while laughing softly through it.

"Well, here we go..

Hello Faith,

I am so sorry for making your life pretty much awful, I wish I could turn back time and have left you alone on the streets back then.

At the same time I'm happy I took you with me, because you Faith, made my lie so much better.
you showed me how to love, how to be the caring guy I never thought I could be, but I wanted to be it for you.

I know I've said fucking stupid things to you, and I'm sorry for that.

I'm just so sorry, I wish I could have given you a bett-" He breaks down crying.

I try my best and manage to squeeze his hand softly.

I hear him stop crying in shock.

"Faith, Faith oh my god please wake up.. wake up now, it's your last chance.. I'm begging you Faith wake up.. I promise I will be a better guy now, I promise.. please wake up"




Soo.. Do you think Faith will wake up?

And if she does, will she remember Hyungwon?

And do you guys believe Hyungwon? Will he really be a better person if she wakes up?

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