Chapter 5 • Eyes awakening

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Tiff's POV
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As I sat there listening to the Dr's and nurses talking about what happened I went to check on YouTube but I couldn't find the app, I asked Oli what happened and he said YouTube closed down because YouTuber's never played tax so it closed.

As I listened more one of the Dr's was LaurenZside.

I remembered in one of Laurens videos she said she had a Dr's degree.

I sat there for a while after the Dr's left staring at the calendar it was may 7, I told Oli I thought it was April 15. Then he told me I was asleep for 2 and a bit weeks.

"Has Maddie come to see me" I asked Oli

Um well no he replied. I sat there and like why, I have been here so long Maddie is my best friend why would she not have come.

Wait a minute I thought I can remember stuff. Then I tryed opening my eyes

"There open there open" I screamed

I couldn't believe I could remember and open my eyes it was a dream come true. Well my dream come true there was 1 thing I couldn't remember, Can Penguins fly ?

Me and Oli sat there talking about how YouTube died and stuff. After an hour Oli said he had to go to feed his pet trash panda ( named Bearcat )

I waited a bit after Oli left then the Drs came back and said I was good to go home.

As I walked out of the hospital I saw Lizzie's car but then I saw James car ( theodd1sout ) hmm James was In his car but then Lizzie wasn't so I went and got in James car.

As we left James went Left not Right so I told him he was going the wrong way then he's like no I'm not I know where I'm going.

I feel asleep on the drive but when James woke me up we where at a cabin in the woods. We both hoped out and as I went into the cabin it was a surprise party I was so happy I saw everyone, Joel ( smallishbeans ) Lizzie ( LDshadowlady ) Callum ( Seapeekay ) Jayden ( JaydenAnimtions ) Etc. Everyone was there besides Maddie :( .

I walked into the kitchen in the cabin to see the Crew and Stacy I had only played with these people on Minecraft and volabed with the Crew on sims as well.

It was an honer to meet them in person.

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