Japanese characters

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In our English we have Alphabets to read it..while in Japan it is called as Japanese characters..Actually,There are three Japanese characters that are used in writing in their daily lives.


*Hiragana is the most easy to remember character in Japanese because it is the most used character that can be seen anywhere in Japan (with Kanji though)

*Katakana is the average thing when you remember it.Katakana is only used when reading English names or words.Many foreigners are having problems in memorizing it,but you could have clues from memorizing the hiragana so don't worry.

*Kanji is the most difficult part in learning Japanese it is a borrowed character from Chinese.Don't be mistaken about the characters.Chinese and Japanese Characters aren't the same!!
For example:
Japanese: 愛

See the difference..But before you memorize the Kanji you must know also about Kunyomi and Onyomi!

Kunyomi is the Japanese reading while Onyomi is the Chinese reading!

For example:


But it doesn't mean that it is written and
Read in chinese ok?😄 its only for Japanese..🤗

So now you know.

Next-Hiragana chart

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