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“Doctor Xu, the CEO wants to talk to you.” one of the nurse said.

Xu Minghao is a psychiatrist at Wen's Hospital Center— a mental hospital. He is working at this hospital for almost 2 years and yet, his position isn’t improving. Some says he’s not good while some says it’s because he’s young. He is a genius. He graduated with fucking flying colours, he’s always the number one so he’s fucking mad and new to this kind of treatment. He can’t resign because Wen’s Hospital is the number one hospital in Korea and China.

He sighed. “Why is he calling me?” he asked the nurse.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say anything.” the nurse answered him.

“Fine. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Minghao walked towards the elevator and pushed the top floor — the CEO’s office.


Finally, he is already here. He was faced by Mr. Wen’s bodyguards and interrogated him.

“I’m here for CEO Wen.” Minghao told the bodyguards.

The body guards nodded as one of them put his thumb over the scanning machine, for finger print analysis.

Minghao saw the old man in his suite, he doesn’t really look old at all. Minghao just calls him old man because he’s annoyed of him. He is so sure that his son is looking good as him. He doesn't seen him yet but the news is just fast.

“Mr. Wen, I heard you're looking for me.” Minghao said politely, trying hard not to roll his eyes on him.

“No need to pretend polite, Mr. Xu. Please take a seat.” the CEO said.

“Thank you.” Minghao, unlike what the CEO said still remained pretending.

“Trying hard to be polite, huh?” the CEO said mockingly.

“Oh, cut the crap, Mister. Please tell me what you need because I am busy.”

The CEO grinned because of his behaviour. Minghao really never fails to remind him of his teenage days.

“I have this son, Junhui and he’s suffering from a narcissistic disorder.” the man said, looking sad. “We tried many psychiatrists but at first, he’ll improve, the next day, it’ll come back again. He’s even the reason why this hospital was built. We badly want our son to heal. He’s— we’ve been suffering and I think, 23 years is enough."

Minghao slightly shocked on what he heard, still tried to remain composed and chill.

“Why me? I mean there are many doctors here. Just assign it to those who have higher position than me.” Minghao said.

“Would you waste this chance, Dr. Xu? I know you’ve always wanted for your position to go higher. Minghao, you have the brain and dedication. Two years ago, I’ve already knew that you’ll be a good doctor. That’s why you are accepted in this hospital despite of being a newly graduate. I never gave you the position and place you deserve because I know that this day would come. We trained you for almost two years. You can heal my son.”  the man said, looking directly at Minghao’s eyes.

Minghao was intimidated, who wouldn’t be?

“I’m sorry Sir but I can’t accept the fact that you took my ambition as an opportunity to heal your son. Let the other doctors have him.” Minghao said firmly.

“Minghao, you wouldn’t know how much courage it cost me to say this thing but we are talking about my son, my only son. Please Minghao, give it a try. I’m willing to give you all your ambitions and dreams. Just please, help my son.” the CEO said, looking so helpless.

Minghao couldn’t move. Did the CEO, the intimidating CEO just fucking said please to him?! He should have recorded but he can’t deny the fact that he is touched by the old man’s words.

“F-fine. But hey, I am not doing this for you nor for your son. I am doing this for my rank.” Minghao said, can’t directly look at the CEOs eyes.

“I never said that.” the CEO said, slightly grinning.

Ugh, Minghao. Why did you agree!

Minghao scolded himself for agreeing and getting touched by his story.

“Uh. I’ll get going now, Sir.” Minghao said. He don’t wanna see that annoying grin anymore.

He faced the automatic door and pushed the open button. He stepped forward as the door is slowly closing.

“Minghao, thank you.”

Minghao faced the CEO and saw a warm smile on his face before the door completely closed.

Minghao smiled.

At least, he got a chance to help others and making his rank go higher.

Minghao grinned at the thought.

+I enjoyed writing this lol. I lowkey ship Minghao with the CEO-- just kidding. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Nica and I would be updating more often as we can. Take care uwu ~♥~


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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