1.2 // uncontrollable rage

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"W-WHAT?" LIVIA STUTTERED, EYES WIDE. She was sure she misheard what he said, but deep down inside she wished that she heard correctly.

"You," Gilbert repeated, now stopping in his tracks, forcing the girl to stop to as their hands were still clasped. Livia's mouth had fallen open, and Gilbert gazed at her intently, his hazel eyes burning into her own.

"Are you crazy?" Livia asked, shaking her head, looking at the sixteen year old as if he suddenly grew an extra head. "Don't think about me, Gilbert Blythe, and follow your dreams. You of all people deserve to do just that, and having second thoughts about such an opportunity because of a stupid girl is ridiculous."

Gilbert frowned. "You're not stupid," he stated.

Livia let out a small joke. "Whether I'm stupid or not, it doesn't matter," she continued. "You're completely missing the point. Say that you did stay, stuck on a farm in the small town of Avonlea, and twenty years from now you would probably think daily: "Why didn't I get out of here when I had the chance?""

Gilbert stayed silent as he glanced down at their hands, and then his feet. He didn't have a counter argument. A sad smile fell upon Livia's hands as she gave his hand a soft, reassuring squeeze. It was a tough discussion for the both of them, but it needed to be spoken about.

"Gilbert, get out of here. Explore the world." Livia said encouragingly. "Maybe you'll find your purpose somewhere out there-- we both definitely know you won't find it here." They both laughed at that. Gilbert looked back up, to see Livia staring at him with a proud gaze. "We both also know that your talents are too big for such a small town."

The boy's jaw clenched, as he thought about the consequences of leaving. "But... I don't want to leave you behind," he said without realizing. Livia saw his eyes widen a fraction as he hurried himself to continue. "Y-You, and Isaac, and Theo..."

Livia sighed as she shot him a sympathetic glimpse. "So what?" The brunette asked, shrugging her shoulders. A startled expression appeared on Gilbert's face as he looked at Livia. "You haven't even known me-- us --for a year, and you're willing to throw away your life's dream, simply because you met three new people? Think about how many more people you'd meet all around the world. You'll be having so much fun, you'll most likely forget us--"

"Don't say that," Gilbert interrupted solemnly, fluttering his eyes shut as he shook his head. "You know I'll never do that."

"You don't know that," Livia replied softly. "And it's okay if you do, seriously. As long as you're out there, doing something that you love, it's okay. At least then I'll know your living your life's worth." 

It's okay... Gilbert thought, as he looked down at the girl who was staring up at him with pure genuineness. It's okay for me to do something for myself for once.

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