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Moaning I fell out of bed hitting my carpeted floor. I raised my arm to where my night stand is and kept hitting my alarm clock till it shut off.

"Jamey get up you have to help after school today, so you have to rush home after school." she said from the other side of the door.

Our bakery was actually quite popular in our town so i understood why she wanted me to rush back home after school. Soon i disapprovingly got up getting ready for another fun day of school; can you sense the sarcasm yet. Barely just finishing brushing my teeth i hear the bus out side my window; running down the stairs i yell a love you towards my mum behind the bakery counter. i ran out the door onto the bus saying a quick hello to our bus driver.

He is a nice guy he just got his third grandchild. He shows me pictures of them all the time . There's Henry, Cody, and now little Lilly. As i sat down right behind his seat he smile back at me through the mirror. No one ever sat by me but that was good for me. it was a short trip but because it was raining it took a bit longer. I looked out the window and put my earbuds in listening to music.

We pulled up to the school after a bit me dreading even taking one step out the door this morning. i was a smart mouth who can play like a 'angel' apparently. I really don't think so i just can play many instruments. Thats' all that is good at school besides books and Livy.

I got up ready to get off the bus but some dumb jock pushed me down again making me hit my head on the window. He laughed running off the bus with the bus driver yelling at him. The bus driver came over to me with pity in his eyes it was only us on the bus now.

"You okay son?" he asked me softly.

"Yea i'm used to it, don't worry." i said rubbing the back of my neck getting ready to get up.

"these kids in this school, heck in the town are just cruel. They think they are better than everyone. man they sure got a big lesson to learn once the get out of this town if they can." he seemed truly mad his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked ready to punch the kids in the school. I couldn't blame him. I said thanks to my bus driver and went off the bus stomping my way up to the big grey building. As I stomped the puddles made from the rain came up on the bottom of my pants.

I was looking down at the ground when I heard the splashing. I looked up to see Livy running towards me with the skirt of her red dress flowing behind her. She had a big smile and her hair flew with how excited she was. She jumped on me and I wasn't as strong but she was super light so i picked her up and spun her around. I used to do this with Cindy all the time. with that i pushed that aside putting Livy down.

"Stop thinking about it and come on!" she said dragging me into the school building. It's funny how she knows what i'm thinking sometimes. It feels like she has been with me forever and she knew everything about my life. I loved that about Livy she always knew.

I snapped out of my trance finally asking where we were going over all the loud voices in the hall. she didn't answer though just kept pulling me through the crowded halls of the morning. i was barely keeping up with all the water from the rain thtat came in on all the students shoes i almost fell five times.

As we got closer or what i thought was closer she said, 'you'll see' and laughed with a wicked smile. A few minutes later we where at our destination: Calem's locker. You may be wondering who is Calem(or maybe you know who he is already eh who cares) he is the BIGGEST JERK I KNOW!!! I looked at her questioning why we where here. She mouthed 'revenge' and my eyes got wide.

"LIVY!!!" I yelled everyone turning towards us but i pulled me and Livy behind a trash can before Calem and his friends saw us. " What are you thinking, your going to make my problem worse!" i whisper yelled at her. She didn't say anything though just look back at Calem about to open his locker. I look over right as he opens it with all the jocks and cheer leaders chatting around or with him. I watch with curiosity as it opens and sparkles come out everywhere and when i say everywhere i mean it! Lets just say Calem's blue pants and white shirt and jacket where pink.

Livy and I tried to hold back our laughter but we couldn't it was so funny it brought tears to my eyes. We where practically rolling on the ground when a sparkly pink Calem glared and stomped towards us.

"You!" is all he said that got me running with Livy behind me with her soon passing. We ran to our 'secret hiding place' from jocks (a.k.a the band room). we heard steps behind us running after us but after a few turns we lost them. We went to my special room the band teacher made for me in the band room. It had one of every string instrument in our orchestra, a grand piano,guitars, and a flute. Along with that a lot of music books. When we got in the smallish sized room we fell to the floor laughing. My hair falling into my face got me to stop laughing so i didn't choke on it making it so  we can composed ourselves.

"That was great." I puffed out still trying to calm down from the scene back at Calem's locker. Before she can answer back the door opened and Mrs. Bailey came in. She seemed surprised to see us as she jumped back.

"Why are you guys in here and not in class?" she says coming down from the shock and grabbing a few books on the shelves. Livy and I just looked at each other with what we going to say to her to not go on about being the better person. So we did just that and told the truth getting a talking to but a smile none the less actually getting passes to class. Being late was normal but i always had passes from my favorite teacher. One step out the next to were i could be jumped any second, goodbye my safe haven.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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