Chapter #2

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Kacchan POV
I watch him walk through the door. "Clang!"
"What was that?" I give up on trying to figure it out and walk home.
(Around an hour later) I roll over to my side table and grab my phone.

Kacchan's phone
*hey you*

Kacchan POV
He doesn't answer. "Maybe he's taking a shower. I wait a little over thirty minutes. "What the hell is he doing?" A thought raced through my head. "No no no he wouldn't be doing that. I hug my pillow and drift to sleep. (The Next Day)
I wake up as up as usual. "Ping!" My phone goes off. It's Kirishima

Kirishima's phone
*hey bro meet me here after school*

Kacchan's phone
*uh ok sure*

Kacchan POV
He sends an address to where he wants to meet. I finish getting ready and head off to school. Even after everyone sits at their  seats Deku isn't here. "Hello everyone we have a new student."
"Hello I'm Todoroki Shoto, nice to meet you." He sits down next to where Midoriya  sits. "Bastard" I mumble under my breath. The school day was normal, which pissed my off but I learnt to ignore that he wasn't here honestly I didn't really care. I was walking home when I was passing Deku's house and heard screaming. "The hell?!?!?" I slowly opened the door. The screaming continued.

Midoriya POV

I wake up, but I couldn't see because there was a blindfold over my eyes, I tried to move but couldn't. I soon then realized I was chained to a wall. High enough that my feet wouldn't touch the ground. Someone walks in the room.
"W-who's there"
"Izuku this is your punishment."
"W-wha?" Then I remembered that I snuck out. "I'm I'm sorry" there's a shuffling noise upstairs. "Now listen you'll go upstairs and tell up friend you were watching a scary movie ok, or some dumb shit like that. Got it" I nod my head in reply. He unchains me and I walk upstairs. "Oh Deku are you ok I thought I heard screaming."
"Oh I was trying to watch a scary movie but failed hehe."
"Oh ok." He walks away probably wondering what's going on. I head back downstairs to receive my punishment.

Till next chapter........

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