Chapter 13

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«Are you ready, Yugi? Did you pack everything you need?».

Puffing exasperated, but with a smile on his face, Yugi threw his coat on the living room's couch, next to which was a full and closed suitcase: «Stop worrying, grandpa. Moreover, I'm not going alone. We're talking about Seto, here», he replied. «I wouldn't surprise me to find out I didn't even need my stuff right after arriving at the resort».

Solomon laughed at that statement: «Yeah, I can't reply to that. Alright then, but be careful. Especially you, Yugi. You never went skiing», he added with a frown, crossing his arms.

At that moment, the sound of a horn let Yugi know of Roland's arrival: «There's always a first time for everything, am I right?», he replied, winking.
With a sigh, Yugi grabbed his suitcase and smiled: «We'll be careful, don't worry about it. see you in a few days, call me if anything happens!», he said goodbye, running down the stairs after putting on his coat.
Once his boots were on his feet, Yugi left the house and reached the car waiting for him, happily noticing Seto had finally stopped forcing him into his limo. The car was a slick model, painted with a shiny black coat, but at least it was way less noticeable.
«Hi, Roland», he greeted Seto's faithful right-hand man, fastening his seat belt.
He returned the greeting, but didn't say much more, quiet as always.
Imagining Seto was already waiting at the airport, Yugi didn't raise the subject and instead stared out the car window, watching as houses and people as the car quickly but carefully crossed Domino's streets.
Although the main ones had already been cleared of snow and ice, Roland still maintained a moderate speed, until the car stopped in front of Domino's airport.
There, after having entrusted Yugi's luggage to some men of Seto's staff, Roland wished him a good holiday and set off again, with no doubt towards the Kaiba mansion, leaving the man no choice but to follow the two in charge of escorting him.

Domino's airport was nothing special, and Yugi had visited it so many times over the years (both for business and leisure trips) he perfectly knew how to orient himself inside it even without having to look around.
However, he also already knew Seto would take care to have him escorted to his private plane, especially in crowded places like an airport. Not infrequently, after all, it had happened that some exalted fan or crazy person had tried to assault Yugi, and after what had been an attempt on his life and his rape, Seto tended to reinforce security around the King of Games as much as he could.
A little later, once quickly passed all the checks and controls (Seto Kaiba's name was able to perform actual miracles in that regard), Yugi finally reached his destination, the private place Seto used only for trip not related to work.
It was a much smaller aircraft than the other one he usually chose, but although it lacked the exuberance and the absurdity of the plane modeled on a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, it was still able to capture the attention of every beholder.

After thanking Seto's men, who had also took care to load his luggage on the plane, Yugi climbed the small set of stairs and entered the passenger cabin of the aircraft, not surprised upon seeing the hyper-tech and comfortable environment.
That place reminded him of a fully furnished room, so much the resemblance was, and he almost already forgot he was walking inside a plane. Something that was going to be in the air very soon.
The only difference from a normal living room were the seat belts and various compartments containing necessary emergency equipment.
Seto was already sitting on one of the leather seats, obviously busy doing something on his work tablet. At Yugi's arrival, however, he looked up and smiled, his blue eyes sparkling under intense white lights.
«You're always the same», Yugi said, falling on the seat next to him to take a peek at the tablet screen. Job e-mails, of course. «Turn that thing off, it's freaking Christmas Eve today», he scolded him, at the cost of sounding like a mother. Or his brother. The latter, giving the circumstances.

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