we were. and then we werent

16 7 0

There I stood, basked in the floral treasury of mother nature, small droplets of rain teased my skin, patches of dark brown curls draped down my face in uneven parts. My mouth releasing exasperated gasps, a sitaffect of the running i had just recently induced myself in, sweat drops merging with the moisture building up on my skin, the humidity seemingly clogging my airways as my breathes became more fast. The mildly cold air stinged my wounds, the open gashes flipped up skin in odd folds, the slices and cuts not being kind to my exposed flesh whatsoever. With all of these distracting thoughts, and physical pains, I couldn't help but look at you with a smile, the stupid forced smile that hurt my cheeks. You looked back at me with nothing but an irritated stare, furrowed brows and wrinkles decorating your skin, my eyes examining each small aspect of you. "We were-" I started, trying to convince them of my boggling thoughts, only being interrupted by the stinging voice, shaky breathes escaping us both. "And then we weren't" I watched the mouth of the figure move and I could feel my conscious fading, my last glance I took before I fell to the ground, basking in the floral and soil, making eye contact with the true hero, the sharp blade clenched in the person's grasp.

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