Fairest Wheel

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Chloe's POV:

I soon got on the Fairest Wheel and Max sat right next to me. She clinged on to me as expected. I'm not sure why she was so scared.

"You ok?"

"Y-Yeah. Sorry."

The photographer started to blush. So cute.

"It'll be fine dude!"

I said, kissing her forehead. Soon enough, she calmed down and the Wheel started to move.

"See? It's not so bad."

"Yeah I guess.. we're almost at the top, Chlo."

"Huh? Oh righ-"

The photographer cut me off by kissing me. Something I wouldn't expect from Max Caulfield. She was always submissive but I didn't mind her being dominant.

"Wow. Are you the top girl now?"

"Whaa..? Heck no. I'd rather be a submissive bottom."

I simply giggled and kissed her but soon pulled away and enjoyed the ride.

"This is nice.."


After the ride ended, we got out and I picked out next destination.

"My pick now."

I said. Max froze.

"I'm not picking the roller coaster...chill."

"Ah! Thank God!!"

She let out a sigh of relief and hugged me which kinda made me flustered

"Want to play one of those tennis ball games? I promise I'll win you something"

The younger girl smiled and nodded so we walked over to the games

"What toy do you want?"

I asked,Max looked really deep in thought but soon made a decision.

"That one!"

She said, pointing at a pretty big Deer plushie. You needed 20 points to get it but I was up for a challenge and agreed.

"You get three throws" The person monitoring the game said as she gave me three tennis balls. This game is kinda just based on how strong you are and how good your aim is. In my case, I was pretty good at both since I was in a baseball team as a kid. Yes.. I obviously got kicked out for beating someone up.

Max's POV:

Chloe agreed to get me this big Deer plushie. It looked a lot like Bambi. "Alright. Three..two..one"

The punk counted down and managed to knock down a pile of milk jars with one throw.. so she basically got an instant win.

"Woah! Good job, Chlo." I said praising her. She just smiled and finished throwing the rest of the tennis balls.

"What toy would you like?" The person behind the desk asked

"That big Deer." Chloe pointed at the toy in the back

"You have a good aim, Che." I said and thanked my girlfriend for the toy as she gave it to me

Best girlfriend ever.

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