To Puerto Lobos!

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Sean's POV:

So, my brother has dad is dead, and two girls are driving me to no where? Sound like a 'fun' day I guess.

"I'm Sean. And this is my little brother Daniel. As you saw he apparently has telekinesis, which mind you I was only now informed about? My dad used to live in this place in Mexico called 'Puerto Lobos' he used to talk about how nice and peaceful it was. Think you could get my brother and I there? I dont think the cops will be able to find us outside of the country"

"Hehe. I'm sure your brother  dosen't know about the powers either huh? Make sure he dosen't turn evil or some shit. As is for Mexico, we can 100% get their. With a bit of work."

That blue haired girl sure likes to swear. Did her parents not teach her to be polite?

" What's your name?"

I asked, I tried to act confident but my voice just turned out shakey. Even if I tried to act all tough, I really couldn't. My dad just died. This feels like a nightmare

"Chloe. Chloe Price. The nerd is Max..Max Caulfield"

Though Chloe and Max looked sketchy at first, I guess I kinda warmed up to them after learning their names.

"Hey Daniel! Wake up."

A groan came out of my brother, he wasn't hurt, didn't even have a scratch on him.

"Where are we? Arnt we meant to be trick or treating..? Where's Dad?-"

"Shh it's fine. We're going to Puerto Lobos..with these kind strangers"

Max gave me a shy nod and a thumbs up

"Did you have a nice nap bud?"

She asked. God she is wayy too nice.

Chloe's POV:

And so, the kid woke up asking questions. If he weren't a little kid, I would of already told him his dad just died. I guess I gotta be 'nice' and not tell him? Hes gotta find out eventually though.

"Ohhh- right its Halloween today! I completely forgot."

I heard Max say, I'm disappointed. Halloween was never her thing yet she seems to be the type of person to cosplay 24/7

"Though we're 'adults' I think we should go out and get some candy!"

I said, Daniel was already enthusiastically nodding. And what would you know? Another city already. Not only that, but a bunch of kids in ghost costumes, probably made out of sheets.

"Sean, you also gotta get a costume! Be a pirate! Or a skeleton?"

"No way, Daniel. I'm not 10 anymore."

As much as Sean wasn't meant to go trick or treating.. dressing up as pirates with him would be pretty fun

"Sean dont be a party pooper! Dress up with your brother!"

I yelled out. Sean rolled his eyes at me before nodding slightly. This is gonna be so fucking fun.

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