Chapter 3: Phoenix vs. Earth

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I've been called by Tsuki to her office. She seems nervous. As I walk up the flight of stairs, I hear loud arguing.

"Why the fuck did you drag us into this?! It's your problem, not ours!"

"Are you insulting the great Riser? And his future wife?"

"Shut up!"

I shout as I bust the door open.

"What's up Tsuki-san?"

"Miss Rias and mister Riser are trying to force me to join in on their Rating Game. If I lose, Riser gets to marry me."

"Fuck no. I'm not gonna let you, the person who gave me a second chance, get married to mister I-Am-An-Overgrown-Burning-Chicken."

"You will not insult Riser! What can a mere Rook do?"

"Ooohhh, a lot. Especially when he has the thing that single handedly ended the Great War. Say hi, Godzilla."

The tattoo appears on my chest, and Godzilla's voice echoes, much angrier than usual.

"So this is a Phenix. I think all phoenix's are ashamed to know that this fucker has their power. Poor majestic birds."

"How dare you adress my brother that way! Apologize!"

"You know, I wouldn't-"

"What did you say?"

"Aaaaaaaaannnnnd... you're fucked."

"Are you telling me, the Incarnation of Destruction, to apologize to a spoiled fucktard like him? ARE YOU?!"

A bright light suddenly flashes and we all have to cover our eyes. When we open them again, we can all see Godzilla. He's smaller than he was when I first met him, but his head could have touched the chandelier if he was physical. He lowers himself down, face to face with the terrified peerage of Riser.

"I take orders from no one. I singlehandedly shattered Excalibur, killed the the four original satans, wipes out most of the Fallen, Angels and Devils, as well as many dragons, and fucking injured God himself. DO NOT TEST ME!!!!"

Godzilla then rises up and faces Rias's peerage.

"And these are the welps that area part of tomato sluts peerage. Ddraig, don't bother pretending you don't exist I know you're there."

A bright red gauntlet with golden spikes and a green gem appears on Issea's arm.

"It has been awhile, Incarnation of Destruction."

"Indeed it has, Dragon of Domination."

"You were sealed as well. I'm surprised."

"It took them 12 millennia to do so. If I remember correctly, it only took, what, 2 hours?"

"Shut up you overgrown mutant plant!"

"And what about you, you scaly winged lizard?! At least I can show my true form off."

"Fuck you."

The two go silent, and then the gauntlet on her arm disappears. Godzilla bends down to get a closer look at Issea. She gulps nervously. And looks around, trying to avoid the monster king's gaze.

"You are Issea, correct?"

"Uh-uh-uh... Yep! That's me alright!"

"No need to be nervous, I shall not harm you. My partner likes you, and you seem... different than those other whores in Tomato slut's peerage."

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