Give Me Love

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[The song for this chapter is Give Me Love]


"Luke!" I shout through the empty hallways of Luke and I's flat. I get no response although I can hear shuffling in Luke's room so, of course, I walk toward his bedroom door.

Luke and I had been dating for about a year now and we were deeply in love. When I first found out that I liked Luke I was the most nervous, shy person around him and somehow he found that cute. We were two teens whp were deeply in love, or atleast I loved him. What I saw when I.opened the door made me question our whole relationship.

Luke had his skinny jeans dangled around his knees, trying to pull them up while a girl was sliding her shirt on. Luke looked at me with wide eyes as I turned and ran out of the down the hallway, desperately trying to reach the front door before Luke could catch up with me, but Luke was faster than me and soon caught up, tackling me to the floor.

"I can understand, I-I jus-" Tears were streaming from both our eyes, although he had no reason to cry. He was the one who threw our whole relationship away because he wanted sex. He is the one to blame.

"Don't fxcking bother, Luke." I hiss, pushing him off of me and standing up from the floor.

"I never want to see your face again, I never want to be reminded of what you just did." I yell at him. running to the door and slamming it shut.

Everything that Luke told me. Everything he did, everything he pretended was real. I loved him and he didn't love me back. I guess I should have seen this coming. Luke was perfect, he could have anyone he wanted. I was the definition of Insecure and imperfect. He never loved me.


Another morning, another day wasted away looking at the picture of me and him. It has been two years since Luke had cheated on me and I hadn't talked to him since. He had moved on to another boy named Calum and I was still in my room mourning over the loss of our relationship. Two years seems like enough time to get over someone and maybe it is, if you didn't love him like I love Luke. Love not loved, because yes, I am still in love with Luke Hemmings.

All I do is waste away in my room, wasting precious oxygen that other people need. A new baby, a dying old lady. A couple in love. They need the oxygen more than me.

This was the day I decided to take my life away. All of the pain, the heart ache, ot would leave along with my life. Nobody would remember, nobody would care, nobody would notice.

So I walked all the way to the bridge that arches over the bay. It was fair height, maybe 100-200 ft. And if I don't die from the impact, well that's why I have this building block, to drown me.

I strip off my sweatshirt and shoes, as well as my shirt. I pull myself onto the ledge and drag the block with me. Sadly, I had chosen the wrong day to take my life because Luke and Calum were going for a stroll in the park, like a good couple should.

"MICHAEL!" I could hear Luke's voice straining from the other side of the bridge.

For a second I thought he could actually care, but then I remembered what he did to me.

As I was about to let myself fall back, I felt something wrao around my legs. I looked down to see Luke.

"Don't you dare fall, Clifford." He whimpers, holding onto my legs for dear life.

"Don't you dare pretend that you care." I hiss, kicking him off of me, causing my body to fall back and plumit into the water.

As I was falling I could've sworn I saw Luke falling in after me.


OK, I feel terrible. But to be fair, this is payback because @michaeltheonion wrote a really sad one shot and I decided I should too.

Why do I have such a sad, depressing mind?


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