A/N +WIP Preview

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EEEEEEK!!!! IM SO SORRY EVERYONE!!!!! I feel like it's been freaking years since I updated this but I just couldn't get anything done T-T My shi**y excuse as the usual... HELL, I mean... SCHOOL. NGHHH, stuff has been hard to do in my free time, high school is an absolute pain ;-; so I am spending a good chunk of my time working on that junk and even then, I am STILL a lazy piece of horse poo. You could say, I started WAAAAAAAAY too many projects and I probably should regret it ;-; I started many stories, drawings, and personal projects, even starting to try to make small animations (Because my mom told me it would look great in a Portfolio) and by god, I cannot get any of that done! I haven't touched my sketchbook for a few weeks now and I've hardly done anything for fanfictions and I don't believe I have even touched my personal projects for a month at least :b 

What's worse is that as I mentioned a while ago, my computer broke down and I couldn't work on any of my project :( Le sighs, even when I get my free time, I don't always have the motivation and I end up procrastinating. So basically, I am asking for help from anyone who isn't too busy. I know exactly what I want to happen, but I can never actually get it written down so what I'm asking (Even though it's kind of a d*ck move) if anyone here could help me type it up? I'll credit you, but right now, I really need help to do anything with my freaking life :(

But whatever here is the WIP :)

I'm sorry that it isn't much ;-;

Anthony's POV

"C'mon, slowpokes!" I screamed out to Mike, Jeremy, Fritz, Scott, and the newest addition, Luke Bennet. "We have people to meet" I continued, esthetic.

"Is he always like this?" I could hear Luke ask behind me.

"Usually he's a little more excited." Mike's voice responded. I could practically imagine him rolling his eyes.

"Blimey..." Luke responded, shocked. I jokingly scoffed at the people behind me as I threw the doors open and ran inside like a kid on a sugar rush, man, if only I could leave behind a trail of rainbow and sparkles.

"KEVIN!!!! SKYLOR!!! WE'RE HEREEEEEE~!" I screamed in a sing-song voice.

The Gem Of Mechanics [COMPLETED BUT EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now