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"hey jin, i know this is personal but what's your sexuality?" said namjoon. they we're outside on namjoon's roof looking at the stars. jin rested his his head on namjoon's shoulder.

"oof do i have a story to tell," namjoon was curiously listening with both ears. "it all started in middle school with two kids. their names were kim jisoo and yu ba-rom or how he goes by now, christian yu. and yes, jisoo as in jennie's girlfriend.


"hey, my name is seokjin and i just transferred here, please take good take good care of me!"
seokjin has just transferred to big hit academy. at that time, he didn't know it was a mafia in training school. he just went there because his adopted parents forced him to. that's where he also met his gang. in a way, he was like a trainee. but instead of being a kpop idol and going into a group with randoms, they go into a mafia group with as many people they want.

It ranges from to 1 to as many people. one of the biggest gangs in japan is akb48 with over 100 members. that school is basically the korean version out of many others. that's where he also met the boys.

but back to the story of jisoo and barom.

"hi, my name is seokjin. please take care of me."

seokjin takes a seat next to the window in the back row. he hears something land on his desk.

its says "new kid, let's meet at lunch. table in the corner next to the blue wall." he looks around the room and sees a young boy looking at him and he smiles. seokjin, being the person he is, smiles back.

the period ends and lunch comes quickly. seokjin brought his own lunch since he never trusted school lunch food. plus, it's disgusting. he started deciding if he should go to the lunch room or stay in homeroom. he went to the lunch room.

"new kid! over here!" said the boy from earlier. he was sitting at a table with nine other boys.
"I know this will be a little hard to remember but stay with me. from left to right we have yoongi, hoseok, jimin, taehyung, and jungkook. on this side we have me, barom or more easy to remember, christian, dabin or dpr live, cream, cline, jungmoo, and scott."

"oh wow, um hi i'm seokjin." he isn't gonna lie, he was a little overwhelmed with this sudden introduction of everyone. "well are you gonna sit down? and here's some water since your face is a little red." seokjin noted that barom said water as watour. he sounded australian. "thanks, but um, why'd you want me to sit with you? it looks like you guys are the most popular since all the girls keep looking over here..." seokjin trailed off. "don't worry, they're not looking at us today. they're looking at you"

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄 𝙎𝙊𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙇 - 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙅𝙄𝙉Where stories live. Discover now