Rex's and SkyGuys Recover

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Kenobi's POV

As both cursers landed I helped with getting both Rex and Ruby to the med bay on board. "Commander help me with Captain Rex" "yes General" Cody Replied and helped Rex to the med bay. The Hologram turned on to revel Senator Amadla. "Hello Padame" I started "Kenobi, Ani is missing and he's no were to be seen" She stated. "Where do you think he is" Padame started back up again, "I have an idea, I will call when I find him" I say as she nods disappearing off the hologram.

Ruby's POV

"Thanks Cody and Kenobi" I say as Cody and the general helps Rex and I to the med bay on the curser. "Kenobi probably needs ne at the bridge" I say walking out the room Rex and I were just put in. As I make my way to the bridge an image of master Skywalker appears in the waters of a planet. I finish my way to the bridge and tell Kenobi of what I saw. "Well we better get to Ahch-To (the planet we see Luke on in the force awakens)" Kenobi says, as we jump to hyper-space. "So these visions of thing are they more frequent" "yes they are Master Kenobi" I reply as we come out of hyper-space. The view of Ahch-To was beautiful. "Well shall we save Skywalkers life again" I nodded in reply. "Commander, he are heading out" I say and he nodded . "Try to call to Anakin now" he told me and I closed my eyes and said.....

*Da Da Da Cliff hanger . ideas for next chapter*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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