Chapter Twenty-one: You've got skills

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Julian's POV

Kevin did something to her. I think as I run to the kitchen to get the skeleton key. I run back and unlock her door. She sits and stares at her reflection. Something is very wrong here. I drop to her side and ask,

"Claire? Claire?"

"Don't get too close." She warns wispily.

"Claire. Tell me what he said. What did he do to you?" She better be alright.

"It's time to wake up." She whispers. And then she finally blinks and gasps, falling forward. I grab her by the shoulders,

"Are you okay?!" A crease between her eyes appears and she asks,

"Of course I'm okay. Why?"

"You went still and then said, 'Its time to wake up.' And came back."

" It's my fault, again." She frowns.

"Baby, nothing is your fault. What are you talking about?" I ask as I draw circles on her hand.

"Nothing! All in due time. Should we choreograph?"

"Tomorrow. You can't ruin your hair."

She studies me and then says, "Do you know how much I love you?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I smile, slightly confused by all the topic changing.

"We could at least plan choreography?"

"If you're so eager... I guess. Brainstorming." We listen to the song three times. She closes her eyes and watch how concentrated she gets. As if there's a piano, her fingers move to the words. Can she play?

"Come here." She opens her eyes and follows me. I bring her downstairs, past the study. I open the door to a room I haven't go into yet since I moved here. A grand piano, a bench, and an armchair are the only things there.

"Woah..." She gawks.

"Can you play?" She nods. A sweet and sorrow filled smile graces her face as she says,

"This is just like the one my parents had. I haven't played since their funeral."

"I'm sorry, I just..." Way to go, idiot.

"No! I can play if you want me to." She amends.

"I'd love to hear you." She sits down and strokes the keys gently.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not very good. I usually sing."

"Do both."

"Can I?"

"Yes!" Why is she asking me?

"Okay... What do I sing?"

"What do you know?"

"Judy Garland, or... I could try something new."

"Whatever you want."

She starts an intro and I watch both her and the keys. Her fingers are fast, and serenity washes over her face. Then she starts singing and I lose myself. I'm not even listening to the words. Just her high, perfect voice. Her voice dips and then I can hear glass shattering when she gets to the bridge she sings so high. The last note echoes off the walls and she drops her hands to her lap and looks at me. She slumps down under my gaze and tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"That bad, huh? Sorry. I haven't played in like, five years." She sighs and twiddles her fingers. I don't move and lifts her shoulders up. Julian, you are just so smooth today. I say the first thing that comes to my mind, which happens to be,

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