Chapter 46

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Soren's pov.

If somone asked me about my life I'm not entirely sure I'd know how to respond. Most of my life isnt even about me, life I'm just a side character in my own story.

If I was ever given the choice to erase one memory I wouldn't choose my devistated home or any bad or embarassing experince. I would choose that one day.

The day Rico asked me for a favor. But the thing is that I can't erase it. Because it isn't about me. If it was just me then I could forget about it and move on.

But as long as Sicilia lives, She will never forgive me. She will never forget what happened. And every day it replays in my head.


*is it my turn? 3 paragraphs for a chapter? Nope sorry not ur turn. Yet...


Sicilia's pov.

I wake up in a cold sweat, my long black hair is sticking to my forehead and I sigh rolling myself out of bed.

I probley shouldn't have abandoned Soren on the roof but every chance I get I will show him the pain and misery I feel. I feel because of him.

The sad part is that most of the time he lets me. Which just makes me feel ten times worse because I know that by punishing him I'm acting as cruel as his dad. I pull my hair back into a crude pony tail and quickly put on some sweats and a tank.

I stumble out of my room and hear the voices down the hall laughing. Rico was most likely half drunk and playing poker at the breakfast table again. 'If you stay drunk to the morning then no hangover' I hear Rico say in my mind

It was my fourteenth birthday when Rico said that and handed me a bottle of wine. I didn't drink any of course but it still gave me shivers thinking about it. Rico was different when he was drunk, his eyes bloodshot and his hair greasy.

I quickly went to the window to the roof and opened it hoisting my self up. "One.. Two.. THREE."I grunted pulling up myself as I swung my legs

My body writhed but I made it up panting. Soren was already looking at me curiously. The bags under his eyes made it clear he hadn't slept a wink o the roof.

"I'm sorry about leaving you up here."I said rubbing my arm

"I deserve it."He said coldly

"I'll leave the window open for you."I said feeling the urge to get away

"I didn't mean to. You know? I was just thinking of you."He said quietly

"What if I didn't want you to think of me?! What if it wasn't just my father who died that day? What if you died to?!"I found myself yelling at him

"I'M SORRY. I couldn't let you die for your dad or for me. I did what I had to do and it was enough to get me and you out of there alive."He said his voice low and gravely

"I don't even know who to blame anymore."I whispered tears running down my cheeks

"I was scared. Sicilia. I was scared."He said his voice soft and his hands slightly trembling

"It was the first time anything truly scared me."He said looking up

I knew this was a lot coming from the boy who's father abused him and was in several gangs. 'I was scared. Sicilia. I was scared.'His voice bounced back and forth as it rattled my skull

I felt myself go over to him and rest my head on his shoulder. "I know. I was scared to."I reassured him

He closed his eyes and furrowed his brow. "Sicilia. Your getting married."He said slowly

I nodded feeling my face drop. "Yep."I said devoid of any emotion

'Sicilia. Your getting married.' I wanted to throw up right then. I was getting married. It made me scared to think later this week I was going to be a wife. Not anyone's wife.

Joe Palksey's.

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