2 years later

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04 SEP 2020


So here we go again, my fourth year of Strictly Come Dancing is about to start. We are filming the launch show today and meeting our celebrity partners. Its crazy to think about everything that has happened in the last four years, and how much my life has changed. Going from a nobody to someone that has had to get used to being recognised just walking down the street. This has mainly been since I started making a regular appearance in Joe's videos after we moved in together last year - not that I wasn't on there regularly before that I suppose - as we have been practically inseparable since we met this time two years ago. Well, technically, I suppose we met before that during the signing up stages and group dance practice but today marks the beginning of our magical journey - our dance anniversary.

I glance at my phone again, expecting to have heard from Joe, wishing me luck for tonight but nothing ... radio silence. When I left home he had shut himself away in his office playing some game or another for his gaming channel and if I know Joe, he won't have moved since, so before I can worry myself I was called into hair and makeup.

A couple of hours later all the pros are gathered in the Star Bar being instructed by production on the schedule for this evening, who then informed us we were needed in the 'clauditorium' to go over some procedure or another, to be honest, I wasn't really listening. AJ jumps to his feet, grabbing my hand and gently tugging me the doorway with the rest of the pro's trailing behind us. Something in his behaviour makes me suspicious and as I look at him and he won't make eye contact, the feeling sinks a little deeper. I just can't shake off the feeling that something is happening and ask "is everything alright AJ you seem a bit eager" to which he responds "perfect, just really excited for the new season, there are some great celebs this year." Things still feel a bit off but glancing around me, everyone else is acting normal, so I brush it off and carry on walking.

Up in the clauditorium AJ puts us in prime position at the top of the stairs, as the producer goes over the procedure of when the new couples get put together and where to stand when we talk to Claudia. Unsure as to why we need to go over this again (it never changes year on year!) my ears suddenly perk up when I hear her say "ok lets practice. AJ and Dianne as you are both closest to the stairs if you could just go down and on my cue run up as if you were paired together so we can test it on camera."

As I turn around, I realise all the lights have gone out in the ballroom. Perhaps they are about to test the special effects or something, I think to myself as I gingerly move down a couple of steps on AJ's arm. Suddenly I hear small gasps behind me as a projection of candles covers the ballroom floor which creates a light glow, highlighting the path of petals leading to the spot Tess would usually stand in. Before I had the chance to even process any of this, a spotlight beams down at the end of the path and from the shadows, in steps Joe looking handsome in a tux.

An almost eerie silence has fallen across the ballroom and, apart from the faint sounds of the band playing Rainbow Connection, a pin drop could be heard. At this point, I am nearly at the bottom of the stairs and it takes all my strength to keep standing and to not trip down the last step. We pause at the bottom and I take a few deep breaths, blinking a few times to make sure this is real and that I am not dreaming. AJ gently lets go of my arm and flashes me a reassuring smile - realising he must have been in on the plan all along, his odd behaviour suddenly makes sense.

I walk along the petal path towards Joe, locking eyes with him, trying to ask if this is real ... if this is what I think it is. As I reach him, he stretches his arms out taking my hands in his and pulling me close. "Dianne" he starts with tears pricking the corners of his eyes and I can see him trying to pull himself together "the last two years have been the best years of my life. Every day with you is a wonderful adventure and you have brought a burst of sunshine into my life that I could only have dreamed of. I never thought I would be so lucky to find someone like you that makes the bad days good and the good days even better. Coming on Strictly I was hoping to open myself up to a new audience and make great new friends, but I found so much more in you. Standing in the same spot we were two years ago I thought there would be no better place to say, Dianne, you are my dance partner, my best friend and I would like you to be my wife" Tears are streaming down both our faces as he gently lets go of my left hand to drop down on one knee and pull out a ring box from his back pocket. Hushed gasps echo around the ballroom as he flips open the box, looks into my eyes and says "Dianne Claire Buswell, will you marry me"

Nodding yes, I lunge at him as he quickly jumps up and pulls me into a tight hug, saying "thank you, thank you, thank you" over and over again. I can vaguely hear whooping and cheering from the other pros but everything is one big jumble of noise as I take in this moment, looking at Joe through a blur of tears as we close in on a sweet kiss full of affection and love. After what seems like hours, Joe shakily takes the ring out of the box and places it on my ring finger, swooping me into another embrace, both of us crying into each other's shoulders.

Before we know it we are swept up as the other pros rush at us, eager to share their congratulations. And in the crowd I notice, seemingly from nowhere, Zoe, Alfie, Joe's parents, and even my parents and brothers appear, setting off another wave of tears and hugs. Catching Joe's eye from over my mum's shoulder I think to myself 'I can't wait to marry this boy'

A/N - Thank you so much for all the love on the last part, hope you like this one. I'm going to try and hopefully update twice a week, so let me know if you have any suggestions. 

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