One Drink Too Many

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It was one of the last days of the Strictly tour and after seeing him perform at Wembley Arena, Joe and his friends had gone straight out after the show had finished for a quick drink. He hadn't planned on drinking much, knowing he had another show the next day, but before he knew it one drink turned into two, two turned into three ... and then he lost count!

On the other hand, after packing up their things at the arena, Dianne was sat with the rest of the cast nursing a glass of red in the hotel bar, laughing and chatting about the tour and their favourite memories as they were all too hyped from the show to go to bed just yet. Suddenly the sound of her phone ringing pierced through the laughter coming from their table. Fishing her phone out of her bag, she laughed at the picture of her and Joe in onesies and facemasks at the treehouse, which she had set as his contact picture.

"Hello Babe" She answered wondering where he was, as she was expecting him to have been back by now. "Diiiaaaannnnnnneeeee" He cheered, letters slurring together. Dianne giggled "Yes, who were you expecting?" which got an "I miss youuuuuuuu" from her seemingly very drunk boyfriend. She could sense Amy and Janette on either side of her trying not to laugh, obviously able to hear Joe through the phone. "Where are you Joe, are you in a club?" she questioned, the heavy bass reverberating through the phone "nooooooo" he said then after a short pause "ok maaaybe but I'm coming back to you now, I miss you toooo much" "Good" she replied then putting on the sternest voice she could muster "you really shouldn't be out on a show night, you told me you would only have one drink" "I know, I know" he muttered then cheekily replied "But you still love meeeee" "hmmmm" she teased "when you get back I might still be in the bar" "ok seeeee youuu sooooon baby" he sung as she chuckled to herself listening to him fumbling to turn the phone off, clumsy in his inebriated state.

A short while later, their attention was grabbed by the sound of a group of rowdy guys entering the hotel. Dianne didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. Even if she didn't already know, the loud shout of 'DIANNNEEEEE' from Joe as soon as he saw her would have quickly given the game away! Leaving the jeering boys behind him to get back to their taxi, Joe quickly tried to make his way across the bar over to her, before tripping over a chair leg and stumbling into a table. Dianne quickly rushed to his side and guided him over to them with everyone else stifling their laughter. After being sat down next to her with a glass of water, Joe lent over and whispered in Dianne's ear "Di, you looked so hot tonight, even the boys said so ... I had to tell them to leave you alone because you're all mine!" "Am I now?'' She replied "Yes and you know it" smirked Joe.

Having turned back to the conversation with the rest of the cast to let Joe sober up a bit, Dianne could still feel Joe's gaze on her and before long his hand came to rest just above her knee rubbing circles into her thigh with his thumb. Up and up it crept until she had to hiss "Joe stop it" under her breath. "But I want to" he whined carrying on moving higher. "No, not tonight, not when your drunk" came her reply whilst batting his hand away, which gained the attention of some of the others around the table. Before she knew it he had slumped over, head resting in her lap, looking up at her with puss in boots eyes and bottom lip jutted into a pout. By this point all conversation has stopped, listening into the couple with amusement. "Pleeeessssseeee" Joe slurred. "No I'm still annoyed that you got drunk on a show night" came her slightly clipped reply "but I do think its time to get you to bed if you want to be somewhat alive tomorrow"

He jumped up, wobbled then steadied himself, a giant grin lighting up his face. "not like that" she chuckled but it was too late, Joe was already stumbling to the lift. "Well this will be interesting" she joked to the rest of the group, who had given up any attempt to not laugh. She quickly caught him up when he had to stop and steady himself after a dizzy spell. Pulling his arm over her shoulder she practically dragged him the rest of the way to the room.

Once inside, his shoes were kicked off, clothes frantically came off and before long Joe was left standing in the middle of the room in just his boxers, staring at the beautiful girl in front of him. "I just need to take my make up off and change before I can go to sleep ... nothing else, so don't go getting any ideas" she says with an eye raise before going into the bathroom.

A short while later she came out to the cutest sight of Joe laying face down in the middle of the bed, fast asleep. Putting a glass of water and some tablets next to him for the morning, she gently pulled the covers up over him and climbed in the other side, cursing the minimal amount of room he'd left, but before she could be too angry he shifted, opened his eyes and said "I hope you know how much I love you Di" before his eyes fluttered closed and his breathing shallowed once more.

Joe and Dianne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now