Too Late to Apologise?

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End of October 2019

Joe's POV


The door slams behind me on my way out as I leave the stifling atmosphere of the flat behind me. It's nearly midnight and we've been arguing again. This has been a common occurrence since the latest season of Strictly has started. Dianne gets home from training tired and stressed and we get into huge arguments, often about really petty things like who was meant to unload the dishwasher. But today's argument was one of our bigger fights over the course of our relationship.

As I get into the car which is on loan from Mercedes and pull out of the car park, I replay this evening in my head.


It's now 10.45, and Dianne was meant to have been home by 10. I had even gone to the trouble of making dinner for us, as we haven't been able to spend proper quality time together for a while and I miss her. But now that's long past cold and sat at the bottom of the bin, ruined. As if on cue, the door opens and I hear Di shout "Honey, I'm home." before she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and runs upstairs to change. I didn't realise until that point quite how angry I was.

"I made us dinner but that's gone cold now, perhaps we could order a takeaway in" I say trying to keep calm as she walks downstairs in one of my hoodies and some jogging bottoms.

"Oh sorry, we got something into the studio as it was a late one. I would have thought you'd  have eaten by now"

"No, I was waiting for you to get back, I thought we could spend some time together, but don't worry, I'll just order a Pizza in" I snap


After eating on my own downstairs, while Dianne had a bath to ease her aching muscles, I go up to find her curled up in bed. "Hey, babe. Do you want to come down and watch something on Netflix, maybe have a bit of a snuggle?"

"Actually Joe, I'm really tired and I have to be up early tomorrow for rehearsal, so I think I'm gonna just call it a night"

"Oh, ok then ... well I guess I'll get ready for bed too and join you"

"No, no, you don't have to do that for me, you can watch something downstairs if you want"

"Don't worry" I huff, "If this is the only chance I'm going to have to spend any time with you I'm going to take it."

"What does that mean?" she sits up "what are you trying to say'"

"What I'm saying is that I never see you, you're never here. And when you are here, you aren't really ... you're either too tired or stressed to spend any time with me.

"That's not fair" she says in a quiet voice. "You said you would support me, you said that you understood how things would be and you wouldn't let it affect us"

"Well, that was before you were partnered with him" I mutter under my breath hoping she couldn't hear me. Luck, however, was not on my side.

"Joseph Graham Sugg, you can't possibly be jealous!" she screeches

"Maybe I wouldn't be if you spent a little more time with me and gave me reason to think otherwise. All I see is pictures and videos of you two getting really close"

"So it's my fault now! I'm just doing my job, Joe. You know what it's like. Hell, you were even in it last year. I would have thought out of anyone, you would be the most understanding!"

"And look how that turned out last year. I just can't help picturing you laughing at his jokes in rehearsal, and sneaking kisses like we used to"

"Wow ... last year was totally a one in a million thing, you know that but it looks like our relationship obviously isn't as strong as I thought it was then, if you are doubting my faithfulness"

"Maybe it isn't" I say as I storm out the room, down the stairs and grab the car keys.


I have been driving somewhat aimlessly around the streets of London for close to 20 minutes now - letting off steam and reflecting on what just happened. As I slowly start to calm, I realise how totally unfair it was of me to take my feelings of insecurity and frustration out on Dianne. Of course, I know she would never cheat, so I turn around and head back home to apologise.

Stopping at a red light, I glance to my left and notice that our favourite little cafe, Gail's, is to my left. Maybe I'll stop by tomorrow and pick some bits up to surprise them at rehearsal.

The light turns green and I pull forward. The sound of squealing tires hits before the impact ... then it all goes black. 

A/N - Thank you so much for all the love you have been giving these one shots. This is inspired by a prompt left on a previous part from httplatypus. I have a couple of ideas for upcoming parts, yes - including a part 2 to this one, but if you have an idea of something you'd like me to write, leave a comment and if inspiration strikes I'll give it a go!

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